Friday, May 17, 2024

Review of "god is not Great."

"god is not GREAT."

How Religion Poisons Everything


Review by Author Roy Murry

This book, penned by a renowned atheist, delves into the problematic aspects of all ORGANIZED RELIGIONS, a stance I agree with. I became a reformed Roman Catholic at the age of thirteen.

Hitchens attempts to destroy the collective illusions of monotheist organizations by describing their histories, hierarchy, and dictatorial systems. His arguments are full of realism, demonstrating that living a good life without these faiths is possible.

His narratives are long and interwoven with examples of Religions' poisonous edicts to control humans countered with logical results. Hitchens uses the books/stories of those organizations to show how ridiculous they seem.

His conclusions are worth reading if you have an Inquisitive Mind. This long, detailed read will stimulate your mind.


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