Thursday, May 21, 2020

Review of SAFARI

Tony Park

Review by Author Roy Murry

SAFARI is the first novel that I have read with the background of Southern Africa (Zimbabwe and the The Democratic Republic of Congo.) Mr. Park's descriptions of lands, animals, and human traits bring you into the hunt.

The prey in the hunts will lead the reader into an alarming shock. However, the novel is a little bit wordy with an interwoven love story that changes with the new knowledge of the woman involved in the triangle.

Pouching and killing of rare African animals are the central themes of SAFARI and a county's dividing line as to who can hunt and what will die in those endeavors. The killing zone is theirs, and if you cross the line, the government or representatives will get revenge.

I wouldn't say SAFARI is a page-turner, but the author keeps the reader interested with sub-stories of two women. One of them becomes an unknowing hero when the plot thickens at the end of a hunt—her love for a particular animal.

I purchased another of Mr. Park's books and am looking forward to reading it. You should add one to your library also for the thrill of learning a little about Africa.

Friday, May 8, 2020



The Election of 2016

P.J. O'Rourke

Reviewed by Author Roy Murry

"We're so stoned that we have no idea what we're talking about, but if you get as high as we are, it will all make sense," babblings of Yuppies. This quote is in Mr. O'Rourke's Book Epilogue, and I believe it is appropriate to say that he babbles much in this fun read.

P.J. O'Rourke, National Lampoon's ex-editor-in-chief among numerous other Journalism endeavors since the 70s, writes enthusiastically and excessively about the candidates who attempted to become President of the USA in 2016. I laughed so hard my stitches almost busted.

He equates all the contenders as to clowns stuck in a Volvo Bug car trying to get out. When that long event is over, Hillary and Trump are what is left.

This pundit does not have kind words for either. He uses sarcasm, hyperbolic descriptions, and antidotes to bring his point home - we are left with President Trump, who embodies American's current taste vs. elitism.

P.J. muses, "If America didn't want a poor choice of leaders, America wouldn't have a poor choice of leaders." I believe he is saying Mr. Trump is a weak leader, and the USA has had many of them.

In delving into previous Presidents, he qualifies many of them and the wannabes like Joe Biden. Therefore, if you time to spare, want to laugh, or think about your preferred politician, this book is for you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Review iof Ancient Lies


E. Nicolson

Reviewed by Author Roy Murry

I will leave it to you. What recent lies equate to Ancient Lies, the book? You will have to read the novel to find out.

Hardcore Science Fiction and fans of Star Wars will enjoy this adventure. I, not a follower, read the whole book with only one problem.

Even though name recognition separated the episodes, I would have liked to place and timeline division. However, the writing is well thought out. 

Lovers of Sci-Fi will like all the gadgets and the different spaceships - new and ancient. But people are the same in the future.

Ms. Nicolson gives us her philosophy on racism, here and now, conspiracy theories, good vs. evil, and what our future entails.
These all come together at the end of the book when Professor Andy, a Shakespearian teacher, sums up present-day events.

Really. Do Aliens live among us? Andy's friends are traveling into Outer space.

You need to read this novel to find out the Who, What, When, and How this all comes together with excellent detail. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Review of Caliphate Ave.

Caliphate Ave.
Leilani Graceffa

Review by Author Roy Murry

I have no idea why this story is titled Caliphate Ave. I have read it twice, and the story is compelling but has nothing relating to the Muslim caliphate.

I like reading well written short stories every once in a while. This gripping description of debauchery leads the reader into a discussion about someone we know, maybe a pedophile. When something affects one’s family, we take action.

Bradley's young sister finds a USB, and she thinks it's a bug; the story begins. What is on the unit is shocking; he does not identify any faces until it's too late and does not convey his findings to anyone.

His sister is ecstatic; she is going to meet her idle. Bradley has agreed to take her to the event before seeing the complete video events of disgusting endeavors with a face he recognizes.

The idles face is in the USB's videos. He takes her to the event. What happens next will surprise the reader.

Friday, April 24, 2020



Sean Cannell & Benji Travis

To get around, this guide into that world is full of tidbits that will help a newbie YouTubers start in the right direction. I am a newbie, at 72 years old today, and learned a great deal.

The directions I received help me find ideas I will use in the future. I did not need their pep talk because I was already motivated and produced forty-three videos as of this review. Also, I love the concept of those videos - helping people decide on purchasing a book by giving them a proper book review.

This book includes biographic material that explains their reasoning one should use a concept. These concepts should help reach one's goals as a Youtuber if they use them.

Many of the concepts in this book will help a newbie. However, I recommend watching Sean and Benji's videos to expand on them.

Not a complete understanding of YouTube success, the ideas within are the basis to start vlogging. And one must start somewhere.

The writing is easy to read and follow, but not for seasoned YouTubers. The authors' ideas are not difficult to understand, but just the beginning.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


A Cass Leary Legal Thriller


Review by Author Roy Murry

Not Perry Mason, but Cass Leary has her act together. She is a litigator who gets the job done.

Cass returns to her home town, taking on a murder case of a sports icon. The criminal is a nineteen-year petite young lady who is half the size of the murder victim, who is a six-three-foot, high school basketball coach.

Slut is just one of the names of the teen who is going through an emotional rollercoaster ride.  She believes another did the deed; she is a victim of sexual assault; she confesses to the murder.

Cass Leary must overcome these factors and her emotional baggage, family troubles, and historical background in the big city she practiced law to defend a young girl she believes is innocent.

With the whole town against her and the client, the dramatic trial begins with no hope in sight - the slut is guilty. The verdict goes to the jury, and then a wrench is put in the case's process, which erupts into chaos.

The story layout is well-defined with highs and lows, twists and turns, and an ending that will leave the reader wanting more. The author reveals Cass's next case at the end of this one, and it looks like another page-turner.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Review of Legally Yours

Spitfire Trilogy, Book 1


Review by Author Murry

Ms. French's novel is an entangled romance between (Spitfire) redhead Skylar and billionaire Brandon. The way they meet is unusual and embarrassing for Skylar and comfort to Brandon's eyes - he is smitten.

From that moment on, he tries his best to show his caring for her but makes classic errors. At each turn, she lays into him with verbal spitfire.

However, makeup-sex is so good that it keeps the relationship going until the L-word is said. That changes with the appearance of another woman.

He explains, and they are at it again sexually. Then another hurdle is written in a legal contract that is Skylar's last straw - it's over.

This relationship is a rollercoaster ride with sex in the highs and depression for both in the lows. At the end of book #1, Ms. French does her job - she hooks the reader into book #2 with a life-changing event on Skylar's graduation date from Harvard Law School. 

Well written. Free:

Saturday, April 11, 2020



Thomas Sowell

Review by Author Roy Murry

Most of my friends and followers will not purchase this book, but they should if they have an inquisitive mind and willing to pay for it.
I & S is a textbook stylebook about how much of the intelligentsia affected history.

The Intellectual Elite pushed their agendas on society because they believed their ideas were correct, and everyone else was not. Mr. Sowell goes back into USA history and explains the impact of these ideas that confused society, moving it many times in the wrong direction, i.e., the Vietnam war and conflicts prior.

His dissertation explains many intellectual theories, concepts, and thoughts that became groupthink, many of which do not work in our society today. These ideas are throwbacks of another era that did not work then.

Explaining Karl Marx's intellectual elaboration misconceptions vs. Adam Smith's economic theories, Mr. Sowell boils it down to Intellectuals produce ideas, not results as an engineer will. If the engineer messes up, the bridge will fall. However, the intellectual will not pay the price for his errors.

I will leave you with this quote from the introduction of Intellectuals and Society: INTELLIGENCE MINUS JUDGEMENT EQUALS INTELLECT.
There is so much in this book; it is a challenge to write a review of all Mr. Thomas Sowell's ideas.

The read is easy to follow. However, the reader must put on a thinking cap.

I will leave it there for now. My Live-stream video on the subject reveals more. Video at Author Roy Murry (No 'a' in name.)

Friday, April 3, 2020


           A VEIL REMOVED
A Henrietta and Inspector Howard Novel

Review by Author Roy Murry

Henrietta and Howard return from their honeymoon because of the death of Howard's father, the patriarch of a wealthy Clive family. No one believes his death was other than an accident.

"A Veil Removed' is book four in a five-novel series. Therefore, I have no idea how Henrietta and Howard meet. However, the author gives the reader hints as to the two different worlds from which they came.

Elsie, Henrietta's sister, love involvements, schooling, and social life, take center stage to the mystery of Howard's father's death and the mob business that led to it. But, when H and H get down to investigating, the plot thickens.

The 1930s background, and how wealthy people lived then added to the novel's distinct and colorful language brought the characters alive. Boy, life has changed since then.

The writing is fashionable to the time, which gives the reader a laugh once in a while. The story, however, lacks the mystery I usually enjoy - my fault.

I should have started with book one in the series. From the author's description of Henrietta and Howard, in this book, I believe the mysteries they solved in the novels one through four are worthy.

I will buy book one in the series, as should you.

Book 1: A Girl Like You

Tuesday, March 24, 2020



Review by Author Roy Murry

Grant arrives in Windswept Bay. He meets Cali Sinclair, one of the owners of the resort. He is to paint a few murals.

It is a setup neither Grant nor Cali comprehend at the moment they meet. Sparks fly when they enjoy the beauty and sound of the oceanfront resort and journeys around the area so that he can get inspiration for the murals.

Both have psychological baggage to overcome - Cali a broken marriage and Grant the death of friends. It takes a while for each to confide in each other with the gentle pushing of the Sinclair family.

The story is simple - boy meets girl. She is beautiful, and he is gorgeous. And, the environment is conducive for enjoying life.

There are not any significant conflicting moments in this story, just a crescendo of enjoyment with considerate self-evaluations by each. It is their gut-wrenching pasts that brings Grant and Cali together.  

The writing is enjoyable; the characters are few, and the background description is colorful - an excellent read for one sitting.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Review of Rancour



Review by Author Roy Murry

The statement 'A gripping murder mystery' is a true one. This story set on the west coast of Scotland was more than intriguing. It keeps the reader wanting more.

The characters Detective Inspector (Retired) James Munro and his prodigy DI Charlie West, a female in charge of solving two murders, combine in their way to get to the facts. He uses methods outside the box, and she follows the system using her guts.

The way the Scottish do things and the banter of the police group, according to Brassett's writing, shows a strong bonding among officers. The predominantly written dialogue is fun to read, like calling a woman, dearly, a "hen.'

The murder investigations seem to be going in the right direction. Then Munro pops in, and West sees them in a new light with a few little nudges from her ex-boss.

A book eight in this series, the plot, the characters, and the style read as a complete individual novel without using background information to update the reader. Therefore, I enjoyed the conversations, people, and a mystery with no clutter.

Brassett nicked it or in the USA language - he nailed it.

Friday, March 13, 2020


Book One of Heirs of Anarchy

G. Lawrence

Review by Author Roy Murry

'It is the continuation of the story that matters, not poor shades left behind,' is thought of Matilda, Lady of the English. The daughter of Henry I, the woman who wages war against men for a throne.

G. Lawrence writes this memoir of the English aged regent in the first person, telling her life's journey in a man's world. The words and thoughts of Matilda do not ring well against male domination in eleven hundred ten.

At age eight, she is married to the Holy Roman Emperor, where her education into regal life begins. Taught in their ways, she excels and learns how to use the power of the throne.

On the way to adulthood, Matilda spouts words of wisdom in colorful and intelligent ways. G. Lawrence writes those words that sing truths that apply today but did not then.

The turmoil’s the Empress lives with she overcomes in the Empire, but there comes a time when she must return to England. Life as a woman begins again until she is heir to the English throne. Or does it?

Matilda's words are musical and will stay with the reader throughout this enjoyable journey of the Lady's life. G. Lawrence has done an excellent job in combining History, Philosophy, and Renaissance of 12th-century norms into a pleasant novel. 

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Review of The Dead Game



Review by Author Roy Murry

A whirlwind starts this paranormal cum vampire novel.  A house consumes a family of four, and the reader is left hanging in the thrilling prologue.

Linda moves into the town five years later and sets up shop meeting with what she believes are like-kind individuals, her friends. Among them is a man Todd who is a leader and not what he seems to be.

The group goes to a party at the consuming house, which has a secret history, and all hell breaks out - THE DEAD GAME begins. Who's who - vampire or not becomes the theme when the game starts.

The twist and turns of the novel are fast and thrilling. The list of players is many and range from local non-combatants to international villains - The Dead.

The writing is crisp. The characters are many—however, there is the main underlying attraction between Linda and Todd will lead the reader to the sequel.

I recommend getting both in The Dead Game story and read to the end.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Review of The Carter Street Hangman

The Carter Street Hangman
A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel


Review by Author Roy Murry

A serial killer is garotting young women on Carter street in 1881. When a maid in Charlotte's house dies the same way, Inspector Thomas Pitt comes into her life.

The vicar (pastor) of the local church, whom Charlotte dislikes, comes to the house to preach about sin. The ones sinning, he intimates the women and, of course, the killer.

Man's sin is different from women in those days. Proper women should not be out after dark -very improper in those days.

These and other sins were discussions of the families, vicar, and wife, but mostly between Charlotte and Pitt. Thomas Pitt interviews everyone on Carter Street, looking for the man garotting the women.

The person is difficult to find by the police, five killings in all until Charlotte and Pitt have a conversation that leads to a shocking ending. The sin hits home at the place one would not believe.

It was a good read. However, the hangman writer left me hanging.

Review of Two Worlds


Review by Roy Murry, Author

SIN, a religious context, is an act of transgression against divine law. What is embedded in your subconscious mind as sin is most important?

In Angie's mind, she has sinned and has not absolved herself. She has not appropriately confessed and is living with her guilt - her story brings you into her dark place.

It is a well-defined story that many of us humans have been. Ms. White has the reader lost in that world until the truth comes out in a surprising ending.

An enjoyable quick read that keeps the reader reading on without a break as I.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Review of Hypnotic Redemption


Review by Author Roy Murry

The subject of multiple murders is pounding her head with her hands, screaming, "Get Out, Get Out." The police book her for the deaths of four people, and Laura, her name, is arraigned in court.

The problem is the police have no evidence - her fingerprints are not on the weapon in the murders. And, she says in hysterical ways, "I did not kill them."

Is she crazy, or does she know who killed them and will not say? The secret lies within her mind and body, which can only be revealed by a hypnotic examination. 

What happens after that is a paranormal adventure which will keep your eyes pegged to the page - an entity is in control. This page-turner is a read I will not forget. It is haunting.

The story will keep you awake for a few hours but worth the time: an enjoyable suspenseful, fast read for those who believe or do not in the supernatural.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Review of LIFESPAN

LIFESPAN, Why We Age - and
Why We Don't Have To

David A. Sinclair, Ph.D.,
with Matthew D. LaPlante

Review by Author Roy Murry

This book is for the inquisitive minded person who cares about their mortality.  I take one day at a time.

However, after reading the intro, I decided to read on. I found myself in the middle of a Sinclair dissertation.

Muddling, through the molecular details he explains, I started to understand his longevity research. It took time reading the first one hundred pages, but it was worth slow read.

After that, the narrative moved along smoothly, learning how to live longer and healthier, understanding the aging process. DNA, gene, genetic material, cell division, chromosome, the tumor are not things that ordinary people, like me, think about in our daily endeavors.

Needed for this reading is some knowledge of biology. Mr. Sinclair's writing confines himself to his subject; it very difficult to put the book down when he explains his theorems, assumptions, opinions, many of which I can’t entirely agree.

However, the reading was enjoyable and eye wakening that I recommend.

Sunday, February 9, 2020




Review by Author Roy Murry

Flo, a wealthy socialite newspaper heiress, dies supposedly falling a flight of stairs. She leaves a will in which her three daughters must complete specific tasks while living together in the family mansion for one year to receive their inheritance.

The eldest daughter must manage the newspaper; the middle daughter is to renovate the house, and the youngest is to write a novel. Neither wants the jobs needed to full fill the mother's will.

However, if one fails, no one gets the money. Let the games begin. The women must work harmoniously or fail.

Interwoven into the above scenario is a love story, a serial killer, and the Charleston wetlands that have a secret to unravel.  All collide into a thrilling story, ending in a flame.

Ms. Crosby does hook the reader in because many questions are left open after an ending event that would have nullified the beginning circumstance. Well worth the read - easy flowing, good characters, and twist and turns that keep the reader engaged.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


The Soul of the World

Roger Scruton

Nothingness is on the other side - death. Therefore, should we believe in a monolithic god or just faith in one?

This and other questions of personal relationships, moral intuitions, and aesthetic judgments to light in this exceptional understanding of the world in which we live.

Sir Roger has gone into his "Nothingness," on January 12, 2020, with his passing over into another realm. He died — this book published in 2016.

In this lecture driven book, he outlines the journey us humans take in this time on earth - how we commune, how we think, and our thoughts of death and a higher power's participation in it – sacred vs. atheism. You have to be a bit of a philosophy scholar to understand his dissertation fully.

At times, his writing had me at a disadvantage, but his examination of human beings and their relationship with each god made sense.  Kant and Sartre’s philosophies drove home his points of observation at the end of this long read.

Sir Roger's explanations of the human mind, using his cognitive dualism, helped complete part of my life's journey. We will meet him in Nothingness soon enough.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Review of The Irish Cottage

Finding Elizabeth


Review by Author Roy Murry

Elizabeth, a persuasive, successful litigator's surrogate mother, dies, and Beth, as she is known, goes to Ireland to contemplate her future. She takes seven letters from that mother to read on her journey.

She meets Connor, and with the reading of those letters and fate, their involvement goes up each level after an instructive template of life. Each person has their psychological baggage to overcome the love affair.

Connor's friends are amazed at his change; Connor is overcome at Beth's transformation from the first day they met.  Both adults mend together physically and emotionally to the edge of saying, 
'I love you.'  

The ending of this journey is uplifting and will leave the reader wanting more when Beth leaves for London to full fill a quest, and Connor goes on an extended business trip.  I believe they will meet again in The London Flat, book two. I could be wrong, but...

Book one is an excellent hook into book two. You'll love it.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


A Matter of Trust


Reviewed by Author Roy Murry

This romance novel was like foreplay from cover to end. Bennett of his namesake company Sterling International has hired Devon, a beautiful, intelligent woman to work for his company after Human Relations gave her a top approval rating.

One look, and he put his stamp of approval. The company is based in London – she is USA American; he is English.

Sparks in his brain or his loin attracts him to her and vice-a-versa. He, however, does not have relations with employees since one betrayed his trust in a past relationship.

He wants her; she wants him plays out for most of the novel.  She is confused, and he is not. He plays games with his intentions.

Emotions conflict between the two. Those go on until a family cohort of hers interjects himself into the business sexual relationship with a game that could prove Bennet's untrusting ways with women he cares.

The relationship arrives at a conclusion that may be resolved in Book 2 of the series. I may read that endeavor.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Review of IF SHE KNEW



Review by Author Roy Murry

I love a mystery, and this is a good one. Kate Wise solves the ones no one at the FBI can, but she is retired at fifty-five.

But she has antsy pants and wants to get back into the action when a friend is murdered. The family asks her to investigate, but her hands are tied because she has no official standing.

Then another event happens with her FBI supervisor giving her credentials to act as a temp-agent. With a new young partner, the action begins, but all roads lead to a dead-end.

Agent Wise does what she does well - think through all the events and never gives up even when she is taken off the case, and the police have their killer. Her efforts lead to an exciting ending that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Check Kindle price $.00 and buy book 2 for $3.99




Reviewed by Author Roy Murry

Short, romantic, and emotional. A child, Elana Smith, given the name in a hospital, grows up in the social service system of foster families after being abandoned.

That unfortunate situation leads to others until she joins a boy in foster home care. More psychological pressure enters her mind at the age of thirteen.

However, loving people on her life's journey help her adjust into a beautiful, intelligent woman. Then, at a traditional memory place, another trauma takes place.

When this happens, the reader will have a hard time stopping the tears.

The story is a small ninety-minute rollercoaster ride that will keep you pinned to your Kindle.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Review of Bound

Book One in the
Witches of Doyle


Review by Author Roy Murry

Fairies were even less believable than vampires...Karin, the witch narrator of this Cozy Mystery series, mused.  I guess if you believe in fairies and vampires, you believe in witches.

There is a murder in one of the sister's coffeeshop that starts a whirl-wind of a mystery, both about three sister witches and a couple of other events. Karin, the logical witch, tries to unravel the illogical to save her sister from jail.

On the road to understanding the mystery, love, and death approaches when a vital clue comes to light. A spell is a crucial solution if it doesn't backfire on Karin. 

There are highs and lows to this exciting story of how three witches overcome generations of curses. If you believe in witches, you'll enjoy this adventure into fantasy.

It was a fun read, both genres I love to read - witches and a mystery rolled into one. Have some fun; spells are included.

Purchase Bound

Friday, December 6, 2019



Review by Roy Murry, Author

I have paraphrased Matthew Pressman on a history of reporting, Chapter 1: Workaday reporters (Should) had to stick to the four W's and one H; who, what, when, where, and how.  The 'why' question (Should be) was beyond their purview. I put in (Should) because I, like many non-party-aligned voting Americans, feel that way.

In our world today, this is not the modus operandi of our Main Stream Media, according to what I have taken from Mr. Levin's expose of the current reporting the news. Too many progressive ideas are embedded in news content these days.

He goes into detail as to how media treats President Donald J. Trump vs. recent past presidents, giving the pros and cons of those endeavors. Also presented in the pages of his book are some ways in which other presidents used and abused the press, leaving the reader with the thought that President Trump has not abused his power against the media.

Mr. Levin's intelligent read was sometimes above my comprehension, but educating me as I followed along. His explanations are one of the reasons I recommend UNFREEDOM OF THE PRESS to you, a free-thinking human, and particularly college students of journalism for the insight into that profession.

Purchase:  Unfreedom

Sunday, December 1, 2019


A Citizen's Guide to Botched Putsches, Failed Coups, Inane
Invasions, and Ridiculous Revolutions

Ed Strosser and Michael Prince

Review by Roy Murry, Author

The title tells it all. I will add that humans do not understand history, or they would not continue to make the same mistake over and over again.  However, some humans, no, many humans, are just stupid and or vicious.

Mr. Strosser and Prince give a precise historical evaluation of wars that should not have happened, and others that leaders should have thought out before going ahead. Some conflicts are diabolically stupid.

I will not explain each nutty endeavor. I will say: I laughed and cried at the explanations the authors gave for humans murdered for ego, pride, and territory - confounding to an intelligent person.

The read is clear, to the point, and enjoyable. I will reread each chapter.

You should read it once to remind yourself that we are all human.

Purchase Stupid Wars

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Review of THEN


Review by Roy Murry, Author

I loved WHAM, the first book in this series. See my review of that In WHAM, two worlds collide, the Fairy's world versus the Elite controlling one. The contrast is brought alive in the Phipps' vivid and sometimes dark prose.

In THEN, the saga - Good vs. evil continues dramatically. Tess, a fairy, with trolls, wizards, and humans are trying to take back the ruling of the world from a despotic queen. The queen's powers have increased because of witchcraft tools.

Tess and her Underground friends proceed on their quest. And the queen goes about destroying their world and trying to find them.

It is a simple story, but the antics (Tess travels back in time), multicultural characters, and the fantasy backdrop (The world above and below) gives a whole new meaning to the word WOW.
What is real and what is not, is left to the reader's imagination.

After reading 'THEN,' your imagination will expand. That is the main reason I read books 1 and 2 of this series, which I never do - read a series. I may go on the read 3.

I recommend starting the series with WHAM. However, THEN, as a fantasy, stands on its own.

Purchase @ Amazon

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Defending America with
         Grit and Grace


Review by Roy Murry, Author

WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, if you don't read this novel, you will be missing a historical look into President Donald J. Trump's foreign policy by the former United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Her story is compelling, controversial, and believable, putting politics aside.

Ambassador Haley, an Indian woman, who was Governor of South Carolina, with no experience in world politics shines on the world stage where men have ruled for a millennium. It is her true grit and inner abilities that helped her navigate through the world political conflicts the USA has encountered for years. 

These struggles of ideas, in everyday language, she writes with contention, grace, and dignity professing America's morals to the world is the critical theme I took from this reading. This story will have you cheering and bewildered at the same time.

World views are different, but we must come to a common ground is the backbone of her philosophy. 'I agree' is the reason for placing it here. ,

You will have to read WITH ALL DUE RESPECT to understand why President Donald J. Trump picked Kikki Haley to be Ambassador. She has John Wayne's TRUE GRIT.  Youngsters and foreigners may have to Google it.


Tuesday, November 12, 2019




Review by Roy Murry, Author

Mr. Rowe has put together short stories that will have you laughing, crying, and thinking at the same time. Interwoven are his semi-biographical anecdote of each tale that transcends your understanding into gratefulness having read them.

The pace is fast and exciting, so much so, the reader will want to stop and savor the moment after each section - remembering one's life incident that complete Mr. Rowe's narratives.

The book is chuck full of human relationships. Each distinctly enjoyable on its own.

Well done.


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Review of The Case of the Questionable Quadruplet

The Case of the Questionable Quadruplet
A Safe Harbor Medical Mystery


Review by Roy Murry, Author

I enjoy mysteries as this where the finger of guilt points to many characters. The reader's mind spins, trying to solve the murders.

I usually have a good idea by mid-book who did it. In Ms. Diamond's mystery, the reader will be surprised at the end.

The suspense was killing me. Was it one of the daughters, or their mates, or another character implied? Who did the deeds?

Dr. Darcy's family members are involved on the legal side of the equation, while he fills in the gaps of how things are moving in the crimes and why the quadruplet maybe the center of his inquiry.  His father's old files are critical to the events that follow the birth of triplets. Or where there four?

You will need to read this thrilling, well-written mystery to find out.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019



Joanna Penn

Review by Roy Murry, Author

Ms. Penn has penned an interesting, somewhat informative book on how to make money writing books, blogging, and more.

As the writer of three novels and a poetry chapbook, I found some of Ms. Penn’s ideas worth trying, others not much so. She does not go into detail. 

In this short ‘How to’ book, she gives the novice writer hope and useful advice. If you are a first book writer, it is worth the read.

If not a beginner, save the $4.99 Kindle price to read it.

Purchase: WRITING


A Marc Kadella Legal Mystery

Dennis Carstens

Review by Roy Murry, Author

'EXQUISITE' is a multi-facet a novel that keeps the reader’s attention. The plot and characters were impressive; however, it would have been wiser of me to read the first book in the Marc Kadella series. I would have known the main characters better.

The plot kept me wanting to get to the end, knowing by the fifth chapter, Marc was going to get his man and solve his legal case. The twist and turns were evident to a mystery buff like me, but the ending surprised me.

I think I will read the first book in the series to get a better idea of the characters, especially Marc Kadella.

Purchase: JUSTICE