Written by Heather Graham
Reviewed by Author Roy Murry
I thought people coming back from the dead were called Zombies. I could be wrong. I don’t know everything.
Ms. Graham style of writing tells an intriguing story about a painting that has powers which acts like some zombies do? It kills. Well, people think it kills.
A famous group of artist gets together during the eighteen hundreds. One is a painter that wants to fit in; all the others are writers – friends of Lord Byron. Hubert, the painter, rents a castle so he and his artist friends can produce horrific works in that privacy. One wrote Frankenstein.
#FF to the future; all that come in contact with Hubert’s, lost until now, painting seems to die under strange circumstances. This baffles the New Orleans’ police. So they bring help in from a private eye – Quinn.
A love story between Quinn and Danni is a subplot to their sleuthing into the murdering events surrounding the piece of bloody art. The twist and turns of the investigation bring them and their group back to the castle’s crypt.
This novel is an adventure that shouldn't be missed by those who like paranormal mysteries. Heather Graham has done an excellent job of pulling me into almost belief.
Purchase at Amazon: http://amzn.to/1yr9BD9