Thursday, May 21, 2015

Review of The African Queen

The African Queen

With Humphrey Bogart  
Katharine Hepburn

In the midst of war, sometimes strange bedfellows meet. The Africa Queen is a boat that brings two unlikely people together.

The man, Bogart, a small boat captain, and Hepburn, a Christian teacher come together in the middle of an African conflict brought on by the World War II conflict. They join to avoid the German intrusion into their life.

The two, after personality conflicts, become lovers, and the whole complexion of their survival is strengthened by their love for each other. Both have strong personalities that come across on the screen in superb acting.

Only these two actors could pull off this adventure into the African wild. Humphrey Bogart was nominated for Best Actor by the Academy and Katharine Hepburn was nominated for Best Actress. Bogart won the award; Hepburn lost to A Streetcar Named Desire’s Vivian Leigh.

 I have seen both, and I disagree with the Academy Award. Katharine Hepburn should have won the award.


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