Saturday, June 6, 2015

Review of In Six Hours

In Six Hours
By Raymond McCullough

Reviewed by Author Roy Murry

If you believe in the prophecies of the Bible, this book is for you. In a very detailed way, Mr. McCullough shows you why and how the Israelite tribes return to their roots, according to his interpretation.

He uses verses from the Bible and a war in the Middle East to bring you to that end. At times along the way, prophecies are completed in unusual ways.

The story is a roller coast ride with peaks of tension and troughs of challenging quests for ‘The Truth’ in Bible. This is done by connecting those truths to present day events.

Although slow in pace at times, the overall engaging storyline makes up for the ‘Tell not show’ prose used. Mr. McCullough style does keep you believing that you are reading an accurate account, not fictional events. He does this by using characters who are believers in their understanding of 'The Truth.'

I recommend this read for those with an inquisitive mind.