Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Interview with Regina

Interview with Regina Puckett,      
Author of If Love was Enough
And many other novels

Questions: R. Murry

Can you tell me a little about yourself?

I live in Tennessee with my husband of forty years and have been writing for around forty-six years.  I work for the same university I received my degree from and absolutely love my job.  Some of my best supporters are my coworkers.  They tell me they love each and every thing I write, even when they don’t.

Do you remember the first story you wrote?

In the seventh grade my best friend and I decided to begin our writing careers by trying our hands at penning torrid romances.  Of course the only way I knew to write a love scene was to write the word kiss about forty times.  I mean how else was the reader supposed to understand that the couple was kissing for a very long time if I didn’t say the word over and over again?  Unfortunately, as soon as my mom saw my stories, she stopped me from writing for a short time. But in the end, you really can’t keep a determined writer down for very long.

Were you inspired by someone or something?

I don’t remember any certain person or event inspiring me to write.  To me it’s just something I can’t keep from doing.  Even if I don’t have a pen, paper or computer at my disposal, I have characters and story lines running through my head. The strangest things will catch my attention and that will set me to thinking about what if?  I have to find a way to fill in those blanks or it will drive me crazy. I have lost a lot of sleep completing the story lines for all of those what-ifs over the years.

What do you like about writing a story?

I might be just a little bit of a control freak so while I have very little control over the people in my own life, I have total control over the characters in my stories.  In my romances the men never lie and once they fall in love they never fall out of love.  In my world, there may be bad people but the good people are really good, and not just bad people hiding behind a facade of goodness.

Can you tell us about your book?

In my short story, If Love was Enough, I try to answer the question of why does it seem like there are times when God isn’t listening to our prayers.  Is it because he’s really not listening or is there another reason behind his silence?
April is pregnant with her first child and even though she has prayed every day for God to bring her husband, Adam, home safely from the war in Iraq, he is killed just days before he was scheduled to return to her.  This shakes April’s faith to the core so to let her know she hasn’t been deserted, God sends a very special angel to answer her questions about whether or not he was listening and why his answer to all of her prayers was no.

What genre best fits for the book?


Are you working on something new at the moment?

I’m actually working on something old.  In December I received the rights to my very first published romance novel, Concealed in my Heart, so I’m in the early stages of the revamping and rewriting process for it. I didn’t think it would take very long to edit since it had already been published.  I soon discovered my writing style had changed so I made the decision to totally rewrite the book.  Once I deleted the first thirty pages I remembered just how much I loved its story-line and characters, so I’m excited to see how it is going to turn out.

Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

My only advice is to write and to never give up on your dreams.  It doesn’t matter how far fetched they are because nothing is out of reach if you keep working at it.

Where can people go to read your work?

All of her novels and short stories are on Amazon.

Do you have anything to add?

Stop by my website and there you will find all of my future projects and where you can find my books.
I would love to see you on Twitter.


  1. Great interview guys. The questions and answers let me in on why Regina writes. She has so many books out. My kindle is full of her books.keep them coming.

    1. Kim,

      Thank you so much for all of your support. You keep me going.


  2. I love Regina's stories!!! Great interview, Roy!!! :-D

  3. This is the type of writer, your momma warned you about. The type who'll come along looking normal and nice and then send you an email in the middle of the night saying, "Hey Vonda, here read this. It scared the hell out of me." Yea!!! AND SHE'S THE ONE WHO WROTE IT. :-/
    This is a very scary lady!!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!
