Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Indie Authors 5 Star Reviews of The Audubon Caper

5 Star Reviews of The Audubon Caper
by Authors

Carol Marrs Phipps, author of Good Sister, Bad Sister

The Audubon Caper is a hair-raising, eye-opening story that you won't want to miss, particularly if you want to glimpse how one of our intelligence agencies conducts some of its covert operations.

Danny Kemp, author of The Desolate Garden, wrote: 

I have read this book and can happily recommend it. A thoroughly enjoyable story told with conviction and expertise.

Rags Daniels, the author of  Lallapaloosa, wrote:

'The Audubon Caper' is an utterly compelling, riveting, factual roller coaster ride.

I will devour my hat if it doesn't reach the big screen.

PS; I guarantee you will hate reaching the end.             

Faith Helen Mortimer, author of many mystery novels, wrote:

R. Murry has written a good book here, with plenty to excite and interest the reader and add reality to the story. The fluency and pace kept me on edge until the end. This was a most enjoyable read, and if you like thrillers, then this one could be for you.

Seumas Gallacher, author of SAVAGE PAYBACK says:
I've seldom been seduced by a storyline from the first page as I was with The Audubon Caper...

The fluency and pace keep the reader on edge until the final page. It’s a most enjoyable read...

Kathryn Kimball Johnson, author of many romance novels/professor, says on 
the back cover of the book:

“The Audubon Caper is a page-turner.”

Vonda Norwood, author of many Erotic novels, wrote:

This TRUE story is filled with SEX and LIES.  I LOVED IT.  All the accounts in this exciting mystery are true, and the facts are there. Am I right? I DON'T KNOW!!!

Theresa Brau, author of Groom and Doom and English teacher, wrote:

R. Murry's The Audubon Caper is a fast-paced story. There are so many things going on in this creative non-fiction tale.  One of the most extraordinary things about this book is that it's based on a true story…

Zoe Saadia, author of HIGHLANDER and many historical novels, wrote: 

I had been meaning to pick "Audubon Caper" for some time, but the moment I peeked into the sample chapter, I knew I had to read this book. It gripped me from the very beginning, the author's way of addressing the reader in the friendly conversational way of someone telling you his story…

Cynthia J Smith, poet and author of Voices in my Head, wrote: 

Mr. Murry writes so smoothly that the story flows from past to present without a ripple. His scenes of sex and drugs evoke the activities of that era but are written to add to the story instead of becoming a major piece of it.

Larry B. Gray, author and blogger, wrote: 

Do you want to read a book that you can't put down? Do you want a book that will grab you by the seat of the pants and will not let you go? The Audubon Caper by R. Murry is just the book for you. In this true-crime
 tale, Roy Murry has pulled it all together into a fast-paced adventure tale.

Debbie McEwan, author of fiction, says:
Debbie wrote, "I've just finished this book, and it's brill! It will keep you guessing until the end, and the author's notes are also intriguing."

The Audubon Caper can only be found on Amazon Kindle E-books  US


  1. Great reviews for your book, I must check it out. My book is a true crime, account, called Wrong Place Wrong Time. I will search for your book now.

  2. David: That could have been my title. I'll check yours out also.

  3. These are fantastic reviews!!! I'd expect no less though, The Audubon Caper is a wonderful book!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I am glad you read for me.

    I never have enough time to read, and it is better for me to read good stuff than to read bad stuff.



  6. I ha e just bought your book from reading the reviews and the fact it is a true account.
    Once I ha e read it I shall leave you a review
