Saturday, July 13, 2013

Review of The Wizard & The Wanton

The Wizard & The Wanton
(Sexy Witches)
Written by Charity Parkerson

Reviewed by R. Murry

Charity is a wizard with words.  She mixes the alphabet into words and phrases that stick to your mind.  My interpretation of one of her cauldron produced locutions:  The wizard’s intelligence could only grow.  Things that got bigger made her happy… and she was happiest when his grew bigger.

In The Wizard & The Wanton, Ms. Parkerson plays with the reader’s imagination with demonic pleasures that a normal person would like to attain. However, only wizards, fates, and those with supernatural inclinations will rise to.

All is not lost for us mortals though.  We have authors like Charity to lead us into the world of phantasmal pleasures where humans dare not go, because of hell’s sinful fires of destruction.  Her scenes are so well constructed that the reader enjoys that eroticism from afar.

The story line is not predictable.  The devil holds all the cards, even though the tarot cards where laid down on (Fate’s,) Mistress Rowena, the main character’s table to be read.  Plotting along, two intertwining love affairs are produced, which leaves you thinking as to who is literally on top, until the end.    

For a short interlude with the loving pleasures of intimacy and the devil’s playfulness, I recommend Ms. Charity Parkerson’s The Wizard & The Wanton for a night or an afternoon of delectable reading.

 Here links are below in the accompanying interview :