Monday, September 11, 2017

Review of Just Stop

A Brief Guide to Rational Thought
For the Modern Conspiracy Theorist

Ross Elder

Reviewed by Author Roy Murry

As an Ex-Green Beret in Operations and Intelligence, Vietnam Service, and Bronze Star recipient for thinking in action, I can say I found this paper, because it is not a book, to be an interesting dissertation on “How to think?” Mr. Elder makes one point I agree with immensely: If a person is first trained incorrectly to think, it 's hard to correct his mindset. Green Berets are teachers, and I have had this problem.

Mr. Elder uses a few items to show how some people conflict truth with falsehoods. Item #1: Not caring about UFOs, I will bow to Ross’ interpretation of if there is or is not a UFO conspiracy going on.

Item #2: As far as JFK’s assassination, unless there is confirmed ballistics showing the bullets came from Oswald's gun, I think more evidence is needed to prove he shot the deadly one. I don't reflect on it. If you are still worried about it, give up and don’t waste your time. And Mr. Elder gives no answer for it or will anyone else.

Item #3: 9/11 Conspiracy thoughts: I have yet to get an acceptable answer as to why Building 7 collapsed the way it did. I was concerned at the time because my son worked as an intern for Credit Suisse on the date in that building. I didn’t know he was moved to 5th Avenue office a month earlier.

So, when it fell, literally fell, I doubted and still question the event as told in the media nor the commission. Having worked with the CIA in Nam, I know anything is possible

After I knew my son was safe and interrogating him over the phone from my Dominican Republic office, I was happy to let the implosion out of my mind. But today, a little something in my well-trained mind tells me something is wrong in Denmark, so to speak.

I’ll let it be. I have better things to do with my life. If you’re reading this review, Mr. Elder has nothing new for your mind; save a dime. This review is almost as long as his so-called book.


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