Wednesday, October 7, 2020




Why Environmental Alarmism

Hurt Us All




Book Review by Author Roy Murry


The world is coming to an end; the east coast of the USA will be underwater in twenty years; nuclear energy will kill us, are things I heard when I went to college in the 1970s. Alarmists have not changed, and I am happily retired on the east coast of USA's Florida in my 70s.

Mr. Shellenberger, an expert reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations, worked for both sides of the environmental debate.  In APOCALYPSE NEVER, he outlines the reasons why people who are the most apocalyptic about environmental problems tend to oppose the best and most obvious solutions to solving them.

Nuclear energy vs. Other sources, eating meat vs. vegetarian endeavors, and forest management vs. Not doing it are some of the arguments he outlines - many alarmists have propagandized the wrong solutions. Mr. Shellenberger details eminent environmental scientists' path to why the earth is just fine, and the human race will not die away by the billions.

The book is a read for the person with a curious mind. Using extensive notes and photographs, he leads the reader through a world of conflict where they can decide for themself what side of the environmental debate to be.

Murry's "Reader are leaders," this is a must-read for your inquisitive mind. 



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