Saturday, March 19, 2022

Review of Soul Awakening


The Dacque Chronicles




Review by Author Roy Murry


I thought about this book after reading it before writing this review. First, of course, I realize it is fictitious.

However, the universe connects humans in a way we cannot explain. Why not the soul? But a soul that lives on and reconnects through reincarnation is a tough sell.

In SOUL AWAKENING, the characters have each other in common - they believe in fairy tales and need a reason to live. Again, connection to a faith organization is the need.

Their story goes on and on, snowballing into a cult-like group looking into the past. But, again, the reader is pulled in, and if they do not have other faith base ideas, they will get lost in this fairy tale.

Mr. Simpson has produced a well-written tale that is enjoyable to read.

But this tale is repeated on and on in a series; if you enjoy fantasy, buy SOUL AWAKENING and decide for yourself.


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