Friday, April 22, 2022

Review of San Fransicko



Why Progressives Ruin Cities




Review by Author Roy Murry


Note before review: I was in financial transition in 2002. Progressive friends called me homeless. My book HOMELESS in HOMESTEAD is the story. The links are below if you care to read an adventure.

 I concur with two statements in Mr. Schellenberger’s developing a dissertation on why progressives ruin cities. First, 'The people who bear the consequences aren't the same ones who set the policy.' and 'As such, it is time for us to grow up.'

Mr. Schellenberger writes an excellent narrative about how an individual should be treated as an individual, not as a generic "HOMELESS PERSON." Not all unfortunate people living on the streets are addicts, mentally ill, or criminals.

But, in general, that is the understanding. First, however, Shellenberger goes through the evolution of how Sanfransico and other California cities developed through politics into having a large portion of their population, as they say, homeless.

He gives the pros and cons of each side (Conservatives and Progressives) in solving the problems to eradicate the inhuman situation. But unfortunately, as noted in many of these cases, politics get in the way.

Mr. Shellenberger has his solutions to the problems. I agree with many but feel that politics will always get in the way of real reform.




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