Saturday, June 15, 2024

Murder Calls in Shadow Falls

Murder Calls at Shadow Falls

Irene Jorgensen


Review by Author Roy Murry


Olivia Twist returns home to Shadow Falls as her Grandmother GG says for REDEMPTION. Olivia is a thief but a nice one who somewhat repays her debt to society.

GG has a plan for redemption. However, it did not include the murder of someone Olivia knew in high school.

Assuming the role of a tea-reading British psychic so natives will not uncover her identity, Ms. Twist tries to clear her ex-best friend's name in a poisoning case. 

With twists and turns highlighted by detailed character development, Jorgensen's cozy mystery comes to an interesting end.

This first episode is well-written and is part of an Olivia Twist tea-reading crime series. GOOD READ.


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