Saturday, March 2, 2019

Review of THE HACK



Review by Roy Murry, Author

The Hack is an international crime thriller that has so many plots going at the same time the reader is kept reading at a fast pace to keep up with the characters. Hunter and Kate O'Sullivan are brought together because of a worldwide crime syndicate camouflaged as a Travel Company.

O'Sullivan, a reporter wannabe, and her brother come upon a story when he hacks the CIA's files. The story hits the presses, and all hell breaks out while Hunter is doing what he does best - killing.

This novel has all genres rolled into one - romance, thriller, cybercrime, child trafficking for sex, and an international whodunit, but the reader will know whodunit and who hacked. Will they be caught?

That is the thrill of this read. The reader is on the edge of the chair waiting for the criminals to be apprehended - the good and the bad ones.

That conclusion is wrapped up in an explosive ending the reader will remember for days. And, maybe buy the next Hunter/O'Sullivan sequel.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Review of Dinner and a Murder


Nancy Skopin

Review by Roy Murry, Author

Nikki Hunter, P.I., goes to her High School reunion and gets invited to dinner by a classmate she has not seen in years. He requests her aid in unraveling what he says is murder, but the police report it as not - the person worked on his shift at the airport.

She looks into the case, and their world moves faster than usual with others dying.  The crimes point to one, but not all evidence fall in place.

Nikki gets help and to her credit, its needed during the investigation and in the end when this thriller peeks.  At that point in the story, the reader will believe one person did the crimes.  Then all goes into high speed to a deadly ending.

Quick read. Good series characters, and for dog lovers, some dogs help make the story a little fun.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


A Flamingo Realty Mystery


Review by Roy Murry, Author

CEECEE is one of my go-to authors when looking for the enjoyment of a good mystery. The genre I read the most. Her endeavors keep you glued to the page - this one went by in a flash.

Stella moves back to Pennsylvania to work for her uncle's realty company; she is assigned to help sell a family manor; she finds something that should not be on the third floor. What she finds starts the thread of events that are the mystery.

The storyline is not that simple. The residents of the house are hiding something that leads Stella in a snooping direction - interviewing the town's people to get to the root of the matter.

The history of the family unfolds into a close to deadly ending - the mystery man or Stella. All the bits of information that Stella collect now made sense and the house is sold.

Stella's investigation falls into place without her trying or knowing in a pleasant read. The characters are well put together for a series. CEECEE keeps your attention.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Review of the House of York



Review by Roy Murry, Author

Wealth and power are strange bedfellows. They either make you happy or destroy you, but a strong family that has it must go on to preserve the core whether misused or not.

Ms. Tyler, again, has brought to light in a well-written dramatic form the trials and tribulations of a wealthy family in present-day England using characters of its past. Englishmen may recognize the names, but the story is new.

In each chapter, a character gives you an update on family members as the novel progresses to the point that the real evil one is uncovered. Power is the driving force to control the family's corporate wealth that starts in one Century's values and ends with a surprising twist of the Next’s values.

The story is chock-full of love, hate, self-evaluation, grief, and bewilderment. This novel doesn't let the reader down in highs and lows.

At the end of reading "Everything was going to be fine... Wasn't it?", the reader will want more to know about THE HOUSE OF YORK, as I do.          

Monday, February 11, 2019




Review by Roy Murry, Author

While I raided the kitchen, Philippe prowled the streets in search of human blood... Beth love has no boundaries, LOL.  A human, she is in love with a vampire.

His mist was around all her life. Or was it? His and her transfers into something they allow to happen because of an infatuation is a story of a romance that is deadly.

Of course, as a human, I laughed at the vampire and human relationship they had, but the writing was well thought out and enjoyable. Ms. Daleo characters are colorful and set up for a sequel.

The storyline has twists and turns that keep the reader wanting more. In the end, you are sucked into the next level of Beth and Philippe's relationship to be able to love each other without vampire turmoil.

Well Done. Purchase:

Schultz's Story

From the Ground Up


Review by Roy Murry, Author

When I read, I like to be entertained or learn something. I didn't enjoy Mr. Schultz's history lesson about Starbucks.

I do not know what I expected, but the chronicles of a company and its CEO is what I got. The story went deep into his management style which shows he does have the ability to start a company and bring it to fruition. To run the USA is another question.

He makes his points but embellishes on each way too much to the near boredom. Other than that, the writing was easy to follow, and the story is somewhat unusual.

I admit though; I did not finish the story because of what I just stated.  I started to read 'From the Ground UP' because of Mr. Schultz's claim that he may run for President of the United States of America.

It was my error reading his book, and his mistake if he runs for President as an Independent candidate.

Purchase, if you wish to know Mr. Schultz:

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Review of Too Close for Comfort


Peggy A. Edelheit

Review by Roy Murry, Author

I read another Samantha Jamison Mystery to enjoy the characters, which I always do. Three senior women, Sam, and a man trying to understand the goings-on of two younger women who have appeared into Sam's life and a strange letter found in her car.  

The letter states a ten-year-old event in Sam's life she doesn't remember completely.  A 'burial' is in the notes which Sam's group canoes over to her old rental property to identify.  Is someone dead or is something else going on?

This mystery snowballs from this point into an unlikely conclusion. Sam's group, as usual, gets into hot water at times. Reading the turmoil is fun and exciting.

Review of 10 DATES


Emily James

Review by Roy Murry, Author

Joanie, known in the novel as FOUR, has problems with her roommate Chris. He leaves to New York from London to find his future without her - the background story.

Because of the circumstances and her best friend Melinda's concerns, Joanie agrees to go on ten dates that Melinda has set up for her. These dates are when the fun begins. 

However, another person who is hot becomes a distraction - SIX.
FOUR and SIX refer to Joanie and his apartment number. The closeness and their bumping into each other become too close for comfort - love is in the air or is it just SEX.

Joanie and her friends, Melinda, and Mikey (Not Melinda's husband) are 'family.' The way SIX intermingles with the dates and the group is funny and enjoyable.

Emily James has put together a fun book - the characters are well defined, and the chatter, sarcasm, of them all, keep the story moving at a good pace. It's a one sitting read.

Sunday, January 27, 2019



Hans Rosling with
Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Ronnlund

Review by Roy Murry, Author

After passing away from cancer Hans' family, Ola and Anna published this exciting book, written by Hans, about why people are wrong about their conception of the world and the facts they misconstrue. Hans' gives the reader much to think about in the way he presents his FACTS.

He uses a number of the four-level scale of human groupings to give the reader a new conception of the world around us - poverty to wealth. One example is the poorest use their fingers (Level 1) to brush teeth while the wealthy use power run toothbrushes (Level 4). 

He notes that there is no room for facts when fear and prejudices occupy our people's minds - we and them ideologies.  "...the simple and beautiful idea of equality can lead to a simplistic idea that all problems are caused by inequality, which we should always oppose; and that the solution to problems is the redistribution of resources, which we should always support," is Rosling's solution to the health wealth of the world.

The resolve of how this world solution can be put into practice is the crux of Hans' 'FACTFULNESS.'   The reader may agree with him or not, but he sets forth some challenges we all can understand even if it is not in our powers to change them.

This book is an intellectual read for the none intellectual. Worth the read to know more about the world


Review of Flavia's Secret



Review by Roy Murry, Author

Flavia is a young Celtic slave during a time when Rome ruled the world, 204 AD. Her master is a Lady who dies of strange circumstances and a Roman male, Marcus, comes from Rome to rule the house.

Beauty and intelligent, the Roman desires her, which presents many problems. Flavia and Marcus mentally entangle, and their words conflict with their desires, but life 'moves on' in a city on the sight of hot springs in what is now England.

An intriguing subplot interferes with the relation leaving doubts in both their minds of each other's true feelings. Both have hurdles of faith to overcome to reach an amicable ending.

Flavia's confrontation with the Roman mayor of the city in the City's Bath brings everything to a head which the reader of Romantic novels will enjoy to the end of this well-written novel.

I read a few of Ms. Townsend's novels, and I can say she has never disappointed me with her writing. She brings the pass into her endeavors which I love.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Review of 1984

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Review by Roy Murry, Author

English novelist Orwell's dystopian novel published as Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1984, in the year 1949. I first read the book in college as a project for my Literature course in 1973.

I decided to reread the Orwellian future to compare his account with the existing world order. Orwellian actions are used various times when uneducated talking heads on the TV refer to activities by some countries' leaders or their attempts at control outside the norm.

In many respects, Orwell was not far off the mark when one looks at the world as a whole. However, the fact is the world is getting better and not as controlling as he advised would happen - the whole surface of the earth is not conquered, and Big Brother is not watching you, at least not all the time. LOL

You'll need to read the story he tells of one who lived in a system where a country controlled his life completely. Today, some elites are trying to control humanity, but people are not stupid and are pushing back.

Read Orwell's account, and you will see what happens when there is no push back and independent-minded people. A time when a few people controlled your mind and physical being.

It's a long, dull, but fascinating discourse that will help the reader understand the current world situation.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Review of WATCHING

The Making of Riley Paige - Book One


Review by Roy Murry, Author

I have read many Book One's of a series, and I can say that Blake Pierce has produced a novel which is in my top five favorites in the genre - psychological thrillers inclusive of a mystery.  I just made that up, but you know what I mean.

Riley, a psych major at college, has a background as a child that led her to the study of psychology - wondering why things happen to good people.  This investigation turns in to an obsession when a friend is killed in her bedroom a few doors down from Riley's dorm room.

That event snowballs into an intuitive nightmare that directs her into finding the murderer, who is closer than one would think. With the help of two professors, Riley gets to the truth of the matter, she feels after reading one of their masterpieces on criminal psychology.

Somewhat directed by an FBI criminal profiler, Riley learns a lesson she will never forget after a near-deadly event. She hasn't become of age, but with a little help from the FBI, Riley Paige will grow strong in her actions through intuition.

Great Psychological Thriller:

Sunday, January 6, 2019


Disappear or Die


Review by Roy Murry, Author

The WITSEC, better known as the Witness Protection Program was waiting for Madeleine to become a member after she saw her husband gunned down by a gangster. That event continued with another murderous one, targeting her.

Leaving the police and the FBI in search of her in New York City, she takes control of her life without government protection. The suspense begins - on the run from the mob and the government is nerve-racking which comes through in Ms. Vidler’s writing.

The reader feels Madeleine’s conflicts. She wants to live to put the SOB away for what he had done to her husband. However, how can she do this "on the run"?

All the events after she leaves NYC and finds her way looking for an apple farm can only be described as somewhat thrilling, melodramatic, and sensational. She acquires many new loves on this journey from her mental and physical prison to knowing who she is and what she wants.

With the help of new and old friends, her journey comes to an end to the reader’s satisfaction, but not in the way one would think - more suspense. Many twists and turns keep the reader’s attention.

It did mine

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Review of Fruits of Eden



Review by Roy Murry, Author

Warwick, better known as Styxhexenhammer666 of fame for his commentary on a wide variety of subjects, video voice comes through clear and accurate in his writing.  His detail explanations and extensive vocabulary are humorous at times while being historically understandable when he describes an herb and its origin.

Until reading this conglomeration of plants and there is a usage, I never looked around in the green section of the supermarket - I am a male product of the baby boom generation and eat what others cooked. Now, I will indulge in some of the herbs mention in Styx's index, Chapter X, which are fully explained by category in prior chapters.

This listing is comprehensive and enjoyable to read unlike a textbook on the subject: plants used to retain health; used for working curses; use in love and lust spells; and others. Funny: I didn't know eating radishes were good at enhancing male sex drive in some cultures. I would have consumed more in my youth. LOL

That example and other antidotal information about the green world around us, Styx educates the reader.  I, for one, will go back and read my notes taken while learning and laughing as I consumed the herbal essence of this work.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Review of The Virtue of Nationalism

The Virtue of Nationalism
Yoram Hazony

Review by Author Roy Murry

The book I read before this was UNITING KINGDOMS by Oran Thaller which promotes a kind of Utopian Globalism. This book, as noted by the title, encourages Nation-States to stay individual countries opposing a kind of Kant's 'enlighten imperialism' - the European Union, an example.

Hazony: Nation-State - its internal cohesiveness, and its unique cultural inheritance - all of which must diligently be tended to if the nation is to grow strong, becoming a blessing to its own and a model and inspiration to others - neighbors. This situation cannot happen when another appointed controls the states as an empire controlling economics and the borders of those states, my interpretation of his original presentation. 

In THE VIRTUE OF NATIONALISM, Hazony makes an essential argument for Nation-States that Thaller does not in Uniting Kingdoms for Globalist controlling humanity. Attempting empires have been tried and failed - Last time it was Hitler.

Mr. Hazony's writing is to the point of using history, which many forget, to present his positions. I felt his book was a little boring at times and I had to reread some parts, but I believe he made his point -uniting Europe under one union is an error, considering what I have seen with the refugee problem put on the joined countries at the orders of the Central Imperial Government in Brussels.

I believe - The USA should not be the policemen for the EU government, NATO nor the United Nations and that Nation-States should be free to decide their future.

An essential read if you care about Humanity. 

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Review of Uniting Kingdoms


Review by Roy Murry, Author

Uniting the Kingdoms around Israel or the entire world on a philosophical basis, mano-a-mano is a gigantic undertaking. Oran is on his journey of self-reflection, using a divinity named Arthur as his conduit to what is or is not the proper way to live.

The Kingdoms are the difference we have in the physical world. During Oran's wandering with Arthur, he reaches into the spiritual side of humanity, and how coming together on many different levels, the world will be a better place.

Overcoming common fear of another's religious prodigious or way of living is a beginning, I believe, the author is trying to say. When we do, all avenues of joining together as one world (Globalism) under G-d humanity will follow.

The story is followable but sometimes strange; there are many platitudes delved into, and moral conclusions he examines. The read is enjoyable.

A journey worth taking with an open mind.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Review of the Pink Panther, the novel


Max Allan Collins' novelization of the screenplay by Len Blum and Steve Martin

Review by Roy Murry

You most likely saw the movie but reading the print version is a hoot and a half. The screen characters come alive in your mind again reading Mr. Collins' novel.

ENTER INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU is a chapter that I read twice because it was so funny. The humor continued to the end even though two people are murdered in the mystery plot.

Clouseau, played by Steve Martin in the movie, comes alive in print to another level. I love words, and the way they were used in Panther made for an enjoyable afternoon.

The plot is simple - murder is committed; the Chief Inspector picks an idiot (Clouseau) to solve a crime he intends to clear up himself; and each proceeds - the Chief with many detectives and Clouseau with a hand-picked informer by his boss.

There is no clarity in the way Clouseau unravels the crimes, and the Chief thinks he has the murders solved. To see how newly made Inspector Clouseau detects is mind-boggling and un-Sherlockian, but he has the answers in the end.

I can't say this enough, a book you must read for the humor.  Oh yes, there is a mystery, but it is fun reading the events that lead to the conclusion.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Review of One O'Clock Hustle

One O'Clock HUSTLE

Review by Roy Murry, Author

Not what I expected of a Mystery, and I have read many; the genre I love. 

A Criminal and the Inspector are too close for comfort. Inspector Mayfield has a murder to solve and relies on Richard, a businessman with dubious credentials for guidance.

This novel is a setup for a cheesy romance story albeit there are some clues to decipher and the two (More him than her) proceed to solve the murder of one of Richard's pickups. Rebecca Mayfield is a pushover and puts herself in legal limbo by listening to Richard's story.

Their investigative conversations in her apartment (His hideout) and his two-man gang get to the route of the matter, while Rebecca's partner and lieutenant are not involved. Some suspense and a few conflicts are thrilling but, not a series I will follow.

However, Pence's characters are entertaining if you're looking for a continuing romance to read a la Crime. I was Hustled a bit for 99 cents.

A disappointing mystery read from a USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTOR. 

Friday, December 14, 2018

Review of Storm Sail

A Connie Barrera Thriller


Review by Roy Murry, Author

The Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea are the backgrounds of Captain Connie's thriller. She and her soon to be hubby Paul, pick up shipwrecked castaways on their way to the Caribbean islands.

The new guests, Gina and Dalton, are not what they seem. A psychological war to maintain control or takeover of the ship begins after one guest breaks into a box.

From there on, this thriller intensifies each day at sea, matching wits of the crew with some absurdities of their guests. The drama builds up to a surprising confrontation when Gina and Dalton find out the boat is near St. Thomas, keeping the reader on edge the whole voyage.

Dougherty's writing is always worth the "Dime" - enjoyable and all page-turners. This read was my second of the series.

Sunday, December 9, 2018


How Washington Corruption
is Worse Than You Think

Congressman KEN BUCK
with Bill Blankschaen

Review by Roy Murry, Author

After reading this book twice, I will continue to post my mantra ‘TERM LIMITS’ on Social Media until the end. BUCK, a Congressman, agrees with that policy which will never be proposed by the Congress.

Those limits and a Balance Budget must come from the PEOPLE via States’ vote at a Constitutional Convention for Amendments. But I feel, and I think this congressman agrees, unfortunately, will not happen because of the 'Making Congress a life profession' in Washington. 

BUCK has upset his cohorts in Congress with his PEOPLE FIRST attitude which comes across in his writing of various contra acts by the members. He gives the reader short explanations as to the character crisis of members in general, corporate welfare through lobbies, the government in a zombie state, and other oddities of the USA stagnant government.

DRAIN THE SWAMP is published in 2017 as President takes office, and BUCK makes his recommendations. It is interesting how little the American people are fooled by the ones they voted to send to represent them. 

The writing is clear and understandable giving the reader a shock of reality. I recommend the book for anyone who is interested in helping to DRAIN THE SWAMP.

Here is the interview that helped me to decide to buy this book. Interview of Congressman Ken Buck by Sharyl Attkisson on Full Measure.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Review of Lady of Conquest

Lady of Conquest


Review by Roy Murry, Author

 "Keep Your Friends Close, But Your Enemies Closer," is a saying that is appropriate to describe the Lady of Conquest's main character, a Norman knight who was part of the invasion of 1068 Saxon's England. Knight Maxen keeps Lady Rhiannyn, a Saxon, close until he can find out who killed his brother. He died in her arms, and she doesn't know who threw the knife that did the deed.

The crux of the story is how close they get after many conflicts and disputes they and their countrymen have. Maxen and Rhiannyn learn that their people, as well as themselves, have common ground that can be built on.

Rhiannyn's beauty and her ability to sway Maxen’s strong-minded ebullient positions to do the right thing on many levels bring the two together over a period. Killings stopped, and a bright future is over the horizon happens when they bond to change the King's mind.

This medieval romance is not a normal one with its culture conflicts. I believe that the proper English language and decorum are used but not overwhelmingly.

Lady of Conquest is an enjoyable love story to read.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Review of Murder of the Maestro

Murder of the Maestro
Georgie Saw Cozy Mystery #6

Anna Celeste Burke

Review by Roy Murry, Author

If murder can be fun to read about, Ms. Burke does a great job making it so. Her characters are interesting and engaging, especially Georgie’s husband who detects and the cats who at one point find a clue.

The clues of The Maestro's murder lead everywhere, one could conceive but not directly to the killer.  Only one conversation does that, and if you do not read many whodunits, you will miss the reaction of that character – the accidental killer of the maestro.

Another crime is in play which confuses the reader following the murder of a witness. Ms. Burke hides this well, and one may feel the killer is the same person, which may or may not be true.

Don't fret, Georgie will summarize after all is said and done at dinner on the veranda with hubby and friend. You will be amazed at Georgie's deductive thinking.

Murder is a fun read, so don’t peek.

Review of The Intuitionist

The Intuitionist: A Novel

Colson Whitehead

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

The Intuitionist is the story of bias and racism in the world and a profession one would not think of - city elevator inspection. A woman of color becomes the first woman of color to get a badge as a City Inspector when new elevators were going up and down all over the city.

Lila Mae is an Intuitionist, which has a 10 percent higher accuracy in evaluating elevators as opposed to an Empiricist. Intuitionists are a negative group according to the guild, who don't believe you can communicate with an elevator.

One of Lila Mae's client's mechanism does a dead drop which leads to a significant professional upheaval. She turns into a sleuth to find the cause of the accident, hiding from the public and her cohorts.

In her investigation is a tale of corruption, deceit, bias, white male domination of a profession, and union battles. Where her story ends, is a surprise, the reader will applaud.

Articulate prose with racial allegories. Metaphors that will delight the reader, and images relating to a mundane subject as an elevator that is disturbing but understandable.

Intuitionist is an excellent read for the thinking mind.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Review of CAT'S CRADLE



Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

If you want to think and like satire, as I sometimes do, this read is for you. Not the thriller, mystery, or romantic type of novel one usually read.

The chapters are short chunks of defecation on humanity and where it is going - religion is all lies according to his invented religion Bokononism which is a lie too.  You will laugh but cry inside. Science sold and manipulated by man will destroy humanity – end of the world.

Global Climate Change was not invented science yet in 1963 when Cat’s Cradle was published. If Vonnegut were around today, I would think he would be a "denier," based on his opinions within.

Vonnegut's John is writing a book about one of the men who invented the atomic bomb. In his investigation and interviews with the man's children and others on an island, he confronts questions of why humanity goes on complicating itself. 

When reading this novel, you should have some knowledge of the Cold War to understand Vonnegut's strong points of view which come through clearly in his dancing around the subjects of why we are who we are. At the time, nuclear war with the USSR was near. (North Korea and Iran today?)

This novel is a must-read for people who are intellectuals and those who think they are. Which are you?

Saturday, November 10, 2018


    The New Climate Science
    That Changes Everything

    Patrick J. Micheals
Paul C. Knappenberger

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

I have listened to Main Stream Media and heard many debates concerning Global Warming over the last fifty years. Moreover, when President Donald J. Trump pulled us out of the Paris Accord, I started to think about it again. Was he right in doing so?

LUKEWARMING came up in an interview. If you hated President Trump, like many, you would call him and others "deniers" and pay up accordingly to an agreement, not a treaty that President Obama signed because he could not pass it through Congress.

The wording of the original document was President Obama's dilemma. He signed another executive order in essence. Hail to the Chief.

The two scientists from the CATO Institute who penned LUKEWARMING, in so many words debunk the notion that the world is in danger of over warming to the point of the coastal loss in Florida (a 1989 prediction by Al Gore and others) and other HOT predictions. They write their truth about those government paid prognosticators whose "Sky is falling" ideas brought the craziest surrounding their predictions.

Using mathematical and logical comparisons, these CATO scientists present a simple understanding of what is happening to the earth that an individual like myself can understand. You will find too.

Cut to the chase: President Trump is right as these scientists suggested before him taking office - the Paris Accords would hurt only the USA and the EU. The rest of the world would receive funds for the wrong reasons.

Easy to read, with short paragraphs and uncomplicated descriptions of their observations. The read is worth the price, but it should be free so people could know the truth.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Review of ON THE HOOK

On the Hook
Smith and Westen Mysteries
Book 1

Cindy Davis

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

This mystery was a fun book to read, because of the characters investigative abilities which were nil, according to their interpretation. Smith and Westen are engaged to find a missing Picasso because of a friend's position as an insurance underwriter when the painting got stolen.

Each of the women has their problems and need the finder's fee, so they proceed to do due diligence in their quest. That search leads to some enjoyable confrontations, by interviewing the people involved in the action that brought about the theft.

The two detective ladies ask the right questions, but it is their ingenuity and visual perception that lead them in the right direction. Their combined talents would make Sherlock smile - they think out of the box and outsmart professionals in the task at hand.

I enjoyed the banter amongst the two and the prose of the author.

I'll be back sometime to see if Smith and Westen will shoot straight again with little bloodshed. 

Purchased at $.99:

Review of Under Dark Skies

Forensic Files, Book 1


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Eames has abilities an average person does not have and her newbie partner Donovan shifts from man to wolf. Both FBI Agents are assigned to a case in the unit NightSade.

They are the main characters that the author spends much time evaluating - the case, each other, and themselves. Their stories are interesting and strange but give the basis of a good character driven book one in a series.  

Although the story of a cult they are investigating is good and suspenseful, I found too much repetition about the characters. The author keeps you wanting more, but the ending was anti-climactic not with a proper lead into book two, which I'll pass on.

Purchase: Free on Kindle

Sunday, October 28, 2018




Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

A face-pace thriller where every chapter hooks you into another. The lead character ACTION says it ALL.

A global cult believes that their artifact is a powerful object and can control the fate of the world. Professor Action and his group of architecture students find a fact similar or the real thing in a Peruvian excavation dig.

There is a leak of the find, and all hell breaks out.  A battle by an influential ex-cult member begins to retrieve the object that placed together with others can change the world or destroy it.

In the middle of the war are Action, the cult, a powerful nation, and the English police department.  All the best firepower is used to retrieve the object of one man's desire rule the world.

This Thriller was well thought out and smoothly put together keeping the reader on edge. Read in two sittings, and I could not put the Kindle book down.

I get back to another Kennedy book later.

Purchase: Free Kindle edition 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Review of Something in the Way

Something in the Way, 1


Review by Roy Murry, Author

If you are into Romance novels, this series you may want to start reading. I sometimes go to the genre for a look see. Okay, I admit it, I am a Romantic.

I found this novel a little irritable because one of the characters is sixteen or her sister who is nineteen don't have their brains working correctly. The elder does what she wants but doesn't know what she wants.

The younger falls in love with a twenty-three-year-old hunk and thinks she knows what she wants with her psychologically screwed up mind brought on by her father's control. She is thinking out of her box she was put in for the last sixteen years.

This forbidden love gets her and all around her in trouble with an ending that reflects it. Child abuse is what comes to my mind by her father and a hunk that should have never entered their lives. Both he and her father should have known better, leaving the young lady alone.

The novel devils into many emotions which keeps the reader on edge. Young love is complicated, and this beginning of a series does an excellent job in setting the pace by frustratingly playing with those emotions.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


A Taci Andrews Mystery


Review by Roy Murry, Author

I like a good mystery which you may have noticed by reading many of my reviews. DEADLY REUNION is an excellent one.

Taci, an investigative reporter, has a High School reunion coming up. In the meantime, some of her ex-classmates are involved with a mysterious event - a daughter of one is missing.

Taci's boss asks her to take over the case when the reporter assigned goes missing, another mystery.  When this happens, it seems that all her schoolmates come out of the woodwork, including one man who was a pain-in-the-ass when she was growing up.

In asking around, meeting with people she didn't care for in the school, which seemed to be mutual, she uncovers the real crime. Many turns of events lead to an explosive ending, literally.

Ms. Manemann's writing kept me on my toes and thinking of where Taci was going with her investigation. Ingenuity and guts are Taci's style.

The backup characters are interesting, helping to maintain an enjoyable series which may have a romantic ending too.

Thursday, October 18, 2018



Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

As the world turns, there will always be OPPRESSION while religions rule part of it. Some have evolved for the better, but others are still medieval in nature when it comes to relationships of men and women.

OPPRESSION is about how some Muslims and Christians have yet to change concerning marriage - how women are treated. Two women, Layla a 16-year-old is forced to marry a 50-year-old man of the Muslim faith and Beth who finds herself in a marriage with a controlling man.

In this compelling story, the men are interchangeable and are somewhat a norm in strict religious sects. The women, however, are not.

Beth is English and lives in her home country where there are secular laws. Layla is forced to move from England to Egypt where religious laws out way ones that protect all humans - where men control the religion and a woman's destiny.

Beth and Layla's stories come together in an unusual way leading the reader into a drama, an adventure into a foreign land, and conflicts of how humans treat each other.  Using faiths that are interrupted literally, Ms. Noble's brings to light the cruelty of how they function – the good and the bad.

The novel moves through humanity's complicated relationships with clear-cut knowledge of the facts and the norms.  Beth and Layla live a journey no woman should experience.

Reading this novel helped me understand the world a little better.

Congratulations to Ms. Noble for bringing it to light in an enjoyable read. 

Well done.