Friday, October 26, 2018

Review of Something in the Way

Something in the Way, 1


Review by Roy Murry, Author

If you are into Romance novels, this series you may want to start reading. I sometimes go to the genre for a look see. Okay, I admit it, I am a Romantic.

I found this novel a little irritable because one of the characters is sixteen or her sister who is nineteen don't have their brains working correctly. The elder does what she wants but doesn't know what she wants.

The younger falls in love with a twenty-three-year-old hunk and thinks she knows what she wants with her psychologically screwed up mind brought on by her father's control. She is thinking out of her box she was put in for the last sixteen years.

This forbidden love gets her and all around her in trouble with an ending that reflects it. Child abuse is what comes to my mind by her father and a hunk that should have never entered their lives. Both he and her father should have known better, leaving the young lady alone.

The novel devils into many emotions which keeps the reader on edge. Young love is complicated, and this beginning of a series does an excellent job in setting the pace by frustratingly playing with those emotions.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


A Taci Andrews Mystery


Review by Roy Murry, Author

I like a good mystery which you may have noticed by reading many of my reviews. DEADLY REUNION is an excellent one.

Taci, an investigative reporter, has a High School reunion coming up. In the meantime, some of her ex-classmates are involved with a mysterious event - a daughter of one is missing.

Taci's boss asks her to take over the case when the reporter assigned goes missing, another mystery.  When this happens, it seems that all her schoolmates come out of the woodwork, including one man who was a pain-in-the-ass when she was growing up.

In asking around, meeting with people she didn't care for in the school, which seemed to be mutual, she uncovers the real crime. Many turns of events lead to an explosive ending, literally.

Ms. Manemann's writing kept me on my toes and thinking of where Taci was going with her investigation. Ingenuity and guts are Taci's style.

The backup characters are interesting, helping to maintain an enjoyable series which may have a romantic ending too.

Thursday, October 18, 2018



Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

As the world turns, there will always be OPPRESSION while religions rule part of it. Some have evolved for the better, but others are still medieval in nature when it comes to relationships of men and women.

OPPRESSION is about how some Muslims and Christians have yet to change concerning marriage - how women are treated. Two women, Layla a 16-year-old is forced to marry a 50-year-old man of the Muslim faith and Beth who finds herself in a marriage with a controlling man.

In this compelling story, the men are interchangeable and are somewhat a norm in strict religious sects. The women, however, are not.

Beth is English and lives in her home country where there are secular laws. Layla is forced to move from England to Egypt where religious laws out way ones that protect all humans - where men control the religion and a woman's destiny.

Beth and Layla's stories come together in an unusual way leading the reader into a drama, an adventure into a foreign land, and conflicts of how humans treat each other.  Using faiths that are interrupted literally, Ms. Noble's brings to light the cruelty of how they function – the good and the bad.

The novel moves through humanity's complicated relationships with clear-cut knowledge of the facts and the norms.  Beth and Layla live a journey no woman should experience.

Reading this novel helped me understand the world a little better.

Congratulations to Ms. Noble for bringing it to light in an enjoyable read. 

Well done.

Friday, October 12, 2018


An Esme Bohlin #Suspense Novel


Review by Roy Murry, Author

Esme's father dies during a strange circumstance, and she takes time off from the family company by moving into her father's home. By doing this, Esme finds a new family, her mother's which is an impressive group of characters.

Geoff is the man in her life while her father was alive. He is close but far away. Esme and Geoff are married, but they are not - a magical conundrum which will come to a head.

Esme comes to realize her magical potential after finding her father's book of tricks, her mother's improved health, and from a few special people. She realizes Geoff is a problem and most likely did some despicable things.

Events come to a peak when Geoff turns against her and others with demonic abilities. These events lead to an explosive ending a suspensive blast that opens the door to a book two.

This is a well-written story that kept my attention throughout its magical ride.

Saturday, October 6, 2018



How a Selfish Ruling Class is
Bringing America to the Brink
          of Revolution


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

The Ship of State is Sinking, according to Mr. Carlson, and I agree with his analysis and historical deciphering. He makes his case, names-names, and backs it up with facts that many have forgotten or never knew existed.

At 70 years old, he confirmed to me some of the USA's political background, that I had misinterpreted when said events transpired, because of MSM. Now, using Social Media, I get some of the facts that I would not have received had I continued with MSM only.

I use YouTube snippets to get the news, similar to Tucker's narrative, dabbling into how what is happening with America's division on central social and economic changes.  I concur we are heading in the wrong direction.

Revolution is a strong word he uses to convey crossroads that must be confronted to save our Republic. I agree with him that Americans must wake up to that facts and rectify this discontent with real solutions, or our Republic's continuation is in jeopardy.

Read in one sitting, Mr. Carlson's enjoyable discourse kept me thinking and laughing at the reality of it all, sadly. I'll keep SHIP OF FOOLS in my Kindle Library for a reread.

With all the books coming out during President Trump's first term, I am glad I bought this one. Personal Note: About 15 years ago, I did not care for Tucker's Commentary.

Sunday, September 30, 2018




Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Set in a High School environment and a community without a gang, Ms. Shay places a police captain in Cassie's classroom as an unlikely experiment in the real world. Out of that, she presents a moving stream of real-world events and relationships that will fare well in a series alone.

The characters are interesting, with the current era development, and plausible situations. The plot rings true with today's youth experiences.

The story flows well in the plot and has a few surprises. There is a love relationship in the making that may influence the outcome of the underlying background of a gang from the city infiltrating Bayview Heights High School.

I am confident that in book two the lovers will join together to stop other crimes. The novel is exciting and emotional but obvious. For a FREE read, it was good enough that I may buy another book of Ms. Shay.

Review of A PENNY for HER HEART



Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

A friend of a victim of murder, Vanessa, and one of the lead detectives, Rachel, tells the story of Penny's life and the events surrounding her demise. 

Vanessa communicates to the reader, her history of who Penny was, while Rachel delves into the circumstances of finding the killer.

Vanessa and Rachel's path cross at many junctures of this enjoyable drama. Ms. Thomas, in her writing, crosses all the T's and dots all the I's in this convincing character evaluation of a crime and the people close to it.

When the reader reaches the end, the connection between the victim and the killer will be clarified, but who he is and why he did it will amaze you. It is a well-written mystery stand-on-its-own book in a series.

I’ll be back because I love this genre and enjoy the suspense the writer puts into her prose.

Review of WINGS

WINGS of a

Iris Yang

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

This story is a compelling drama that shows the brutality of the human race and culture clashes of three: the Chinese, Japanese, and USA Americans. 

Unfortunately, war by Imperialist brings them together in China before the entrance of the USA into World War II.

A Flying Tiger, American volunteer pilots who flew for the Chinese Nationals, has to survive from a battle. He does but with wounds that need time and mending, landing near a remote Chinese village.  

In the horrific events that follow, Ms. Yang weaves a love story of a country, survival, and the people surrounding the protection of the Flying Tiger. The names are not famous, what they do is immortal, where evil loses again.

Jasmine and Jack's adventures, the main characters, may have ended dramatically, but you'll have to read the book to find out. I can say, you will be shocked and distraught after the read, as I was.

WINGS is a swift and emotional read that you will not be able to put down. Take a day off and get ready for a tear-jerking ride.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Review of Winter In Ireland

Winter In Ireland
Montana Sweet Western Romance

Pamela M. Kelly

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Two cultures meet in Ireland. Jen, after a break up with her longtime boyfriend, goes to Dublin to get background for the Romance novel she is planning to write. 

One of the characters lines is the paraphrase, 'All Romance novels have happy endings.' But does Ms. Kelly's Romance novel with Jen from Montana and Ian from Ireland have a happy ending?

All the signs are there except there is one Jen abhors, and that is Workaholics, a trait that Ian has. It's a complete turn-off.

Will his other charming traits, good looks, money, and family, bring Jen around to loving him the way he loves her? Well, it might be the reason to read this original conversational novel of two different cultures.

I bought the book because I am going to Ireland soon. This novel did give me a touch of its world. I was not disappointed.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Review of Sam' Song

A Sam Smith Mystery


Review by Roy Murry, Author

Sam's Song is a character-driven mystery novel giving the reader a crime to solve, but more importantly a new crime investigator - Sam.  The reader gets a character with whom they can empathize. 

She is a young woman in a male-dominated world out there putting her arse on the line (Story is in England.) Her psychological makeup keeps her from reaching its potential.

However, Sam makes due with hard nose intuitive and cognitive abilities that head her in the right direction. She gets help from a police officer that leads to the possible killers' place.

When reaching that place, what happens next is a cliffhanger. The event culminates with the loss of an ex-husband her current nightmare, the freedom of her client, and a future she believes is unattainable.

Great writing, fast-paced, intriguing characters, and an enjoyable first book in a series that made me buy book two in the series right away. Moreover, I usually don't do that.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Review of The Pixie and the Prince

and the PRINCE


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

If you love consensual sex, this gem you will enjoy. This short story will keep you in suspense and then laughing with joy - no dirt here, just fun.

Fantasy is a significant part of this minuet of love. People of one world are fantasizing about lovers in another. When it reaches the climax, all are happy.

The lead up to encounters is teasing to the reader, which I enjoyed. Ms. Parkerson has a way with words that excite a PIXIE into action and will stimulate the reader. 


Review of Princess of Zenina

Book One of the Zeninan Saga


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Marina is the Princess, and in the first chapter, she meets Major Bromarsh and a group of misfits in an exciting event that highlights her abilities. From here, the saga begins.

All the elements of a strongly informative book one is brought to light. You'll meet the queen, the villain, and all those in-between ranging from skin color Blue to Gold - Marina's natural color. Some on Zenina can change colors.

The Major and his group is transported to the planet in a galaxy that Earth is not. It's a world dominated and controlled by women. Many men are slaves.

Bromarsh comes from another planet, With Marina's help and protection, he and the group become a part of the community while waiting for transport to their own. Strange happenings change his mind and body.

With minuets of adventure throughout this novel, Ms. Marks lays the groundwork for more excitement to come, leaving the reader wanting more on the final page. This saga is chock full of information the reader may wish to check the book's glossary when moving on to book two.

Well written, many interesting communities of characters, and an imaginary plot highlight this basis for a good Sci-Fi futuristic fantasy. Geeks of this genre will love that adventure.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Review of A Gift of Ghosts

A Gift of Ghosts


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

If you believe in ghosts, this is the book of spirits for you. Akira understands the spirit world, she thinks.

As a scientist, she takes her dream job offered to her by people who have ghost problems. What she brings to the table changes the way the Latimer family learns about their family which Akira facilitates - she can somewhat communicate with that world.

Interwoven into an interesting written story of spirits finding their way, Akira and Zane Latimer become close. These tales of many will lead the reader to think that maybe there is a world before silence.

Ms. Wynde keeps the reader's attention with easy to follow fun filled prose - ghosts have feelings and cannot wait to move on from their present situation. You want Akira to help them. But, can she?

I enjoyed the characters and the way Ms. Wynde presented them. Good Read.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bleak Prospect Reviewed

A Sam Jenkins Mystery


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Wayne Zurl has done a fantastic job of bringing the police crimes stories of Prospect, a small town in Tennessee, USA, to the printed page. This mystery is the eight in his series. I have read many.

Each stand on its own with characters who are enjoyable. Sam, a spiffy sheriff who arrived from NYC police work to a lady Sargent that runs the day to day business of the office. Spontaneous, trenchant, and intelligent conversations enhance the legitimate police work they do daily.

In this story, a prostitute is found dead inside town limits. However, the County has a serial killer roaming, and the case becomes a County matter. Sam following his instincts moves in the right directions apart from a Task Force.

The twist and turns lead him to an unlikely source for the County murders. Also, there is a riff in the Town's Council over the crime and other matters. The mayor gives Sam and his team terrible news.

Those events come to a head with an exciting conclusion the reader does not expect. This novel is another excellent, fast-paced mystery by an ex-cop. We will see what happens next hopefully.   

Monday, August 20, 2018


Think Like Sherlock
Peter Hollins

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

"Education never ends, Watson. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last."
― Arthur Conan Doyle, His Last Bow

Hollins' book of how to think correctly is full of Educational information a young person should read and delve in. I was lucky enough to be trained by the best (Special Forces) at JFK Psychological Warfare Center in 1968 as my first Education after High School, so some of the principles he writes about, I knew.

However, as Sherlock might say, we learn something every day. How we use that lesson is crucial.  Hollins gives the reader much to mull over in a short space of time. You may want to re-read some ideas and put them to work.

Some are: how to critically think; working concepts of Pablo Picasso, Einstein, Henry Ford, and Holms, of course; Observations and Deductive Reasoning; Thinking Outside the Box; and much more.

Peter Hollins's writing is clear and concise. You will read, stop, and think about how you can use the principle in your world.  It is not a technical read, but one you will enjoy learning as you read.

I'll keep Think Like Sherlock in my Kindle as I have Conan Doyle's Holms shorts and novels, as you should too.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Review of Witch's Moonstone Locket



Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

I did not know what to think when I started to read this witch's tale, a fantasy? Well, I purchased it, read it, and enjoyed the storyline with strange happenings around the characters.

Owls and furniture spirits talked; winds controlled out of the north and the south; and a locket that helped a bereaved person speak to a dead parent. These are just a few of this chuck full of fun happenstances of a well-written journey into the life of witches.

Janice wants to talk to her mother who died before she could converse with her passing - to the spirit world. So, she goes to the witches' carnival to get answers.

Janice receives more than bargained.  She meets Rowe; the short love story brought on by the powers of the Moonstone Locket. 

This locket does more than bring them together. It is a cornerstone of a witches' coven and sets the tone for the mystical tale that follows, a war of a witch and the complications therein.

You'll have to read this fun adventure. I didn't know there were witches, did you?

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Review of Trouble and Strife

Trouble and Strife
Ian Dodge Mystery, Book 2

Judy Nichols

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Cool, calm, and collective is Ian with his English accent is at the sight of an accident in the making, as it seems. A wealthy customer of a friend’s suntan spa is found toasted in Room #3 and 911 is called. The mystery begins.

Relatives of the customer sue the friend's spa and Ian Dodge, a detective, is asked to find out the facts. With his new assistant Ruth, he goes about his business wooing everyone around him including the instigator of the events.

Complicated family ties are the motivator of the mystery which unravels smoothly as Ian investigates. There is death, and the reasoning is understandable but tragic.

This mystery keeps your attention because of the well-written character's dialog and their personas. It has a few exciting events that help too.

I'll go back for another of Ian's adventures in the future. 

Review of More Than Friends

More Than Friends & Forever: A Friends Novel


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Intelligent tit for tat of two senior High School students who find themselves as a couple. Even though they are in school, I did not read one 'Like' this or that, which I like.

What I didn't like is it is a series with never an ending even in the third book Forever: A Friends Novel. At the end of the Forever, the reader will get the impression that the couple might break up because of the sound of their words.

Jordan has been infatuated with Amanda since eighth grade. Because of a breakup, Amanda turns to the American football star, and they become an on/off again couple. He cannot communicate his feelings resulting in Amanda uncertainty in where the relationship will end.  

All the background stories enhance the main one, but I feel it is overwritten. The main dialog between Amanda and Jordan seems too intelligent even for honor students, as portrayed, but kept me wanting for more after reading More Than Friends.

I would have liked to have read one condensed book for this dramatic love story. More Than Friends is a tease and Forever: A Friends Novel is a bigger one.

If you are going to read this story, go for it, and read all the books in concession. 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Review of Fiji, A Novel

A Novel


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Fiji is an island adventure where the west meets natives that have little in common on the surface. Underneath the limited verbal communication, people are mostly the same when it comes to loyalty, friendship, and the fight against evil.

The Drakes (Rev. and his daughter) are missionaries and an industrious trader named Nathan arrive on a Fiji island where cannibals wait in the background. A group of them attacks the somewhat civilized natives which the westerners are coming to meet.

The visitors seem to have chewed more than what they bargained for when they decided to go to this particular island - Nathan to trade guns for a precious item and the Drakes to spread the word.

All placed in a battle for survival they want to get through fast.  A love story is a part of the struggle and a key to why Nathan does what he does, putting his life on the line for the good of the natives and Susannah.

The prose and the background are so enjoyable that the reader will feel the drums, follow the action, and feel for the natives with waiting eyes. It is a short read of a long narrative, well done.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Review of A Grave Misunderstanding

A Grave Misunderstanding
A Simon Grave Mystery

Len Boswell

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Spiffy, strange, satiric are just a few words to describe this murder mystery. The characters are bizarre, and the background is full of unusual happenings.

Detective Grave, Boswell's protagonist, is presented with a strange murder situation. The subject is laid out with a hand cut off and no apparent deadly blow in a mansion built for a primeval king with Artificial Intelligence walking around like servants. 

Even more abnormal, when Grave arrives at the scene, the Medical Examiner is investigating the bloody stairwell while people are locked in a second story room making noise to be let out.  Lastly, more import to the eccentric owner of the castle is the theft of a trophy from the room.

The detection begins, and Grave interviews the occupants of the locked room. Each of these characters is abnormal in their way and add little to Grave's dilemma - Who secured the people in the room, stole the trophy from it, and killed the woman?  

How Detective Grave gets to the conclusion of this mystery which is a mystery in-its-self. The twist and turns are fun to read, but in the end, the reader will understand the findings.

MISUNDERSTANDING is an enjoyable quick read.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Review of Catherine and the Wind

Catherine and the Wind
A Meredith Series Sequel

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Catherine, a somewhat recluse who is a Chocolatier, meets Wes, who at one time was Meredith's lover but she is happily married to Nick. Each of their families knows each other for various reasons, but distance keeps them from daily communication.

Wes, an up and coming lawyer in the community, goes to dinner with beautiful and quirky Catherine, who enjoys things 1930 vintage and Brahms. She is delightful and pikes his interest - one, two, three - marriage and a baby.

She fits him, not like Meredith, according to Wes' mother. The only problem is Wes is hiding something in his heart.

This story is a complicated one, well-written novella ready for the small screen. I will cut to the chase. Wes does know what he wants in a woman, and the ladies of the family know best. It takes Wes to go through a deadly event to realize what he has is best.

CATHERINE and the WIND is a pleasant long read into the way people interface and the way Catherine overcomes her battle with a little know mental affliction. Meredith, on the other hand, is an active player who overcomes family adversities.

If they don't meet again in the second book in this series, it is a crime. I enjoyed the tit for tat.

Review of Bridge to Caracas



Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

An excellent start to a trilogy about the King family in the oil business up until reaching Caracas, Venezuela. How this first volume evolves sets the tone for the rest.

The love story of Mr. King and his childhood friend culminates after he and she have not very good marriages. Her husband is the key to crime in the international oil business which conflicts with King's rise to the top on the legal side.

These conflicts become confrontational because of jealousy, greed, and control of her husband leading to violent events. At each turn of this thriller, the reader will not be waiting long for a result - positive or negative.

Mr. Douglas' characters are well defined, and the final clash when a billion-dollar decision brings this adventure to an end. It should bring back the reader for volume two which should be a fast-paced crime thriller as this. I will wait my turn.

Friday, July 27, 2018


A Great Way of Life?


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

I got drafted into the Army and re-enlisted. I was called nuts. The rest is history - Green Beret and medals, and I am still alive.

Joe Glasgow's protagonist’s family and friends have mixed feelings about his joining the military - nuts to a great job.  Opinions abound.

We follow the candidate through the process of moving into the Air Force, A Great Way of Life. For those who have been there, memories will come back, and for those that have not, you will enjoy his transition from civilian to Airman.

Funny and quick, the story was well put together, keeping me laughing. Looking for a unique point of view, this is for you.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Review of Trust & Treachery

Trust & Treachery
Echoes of Sol, Book 1


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Larissa is an indentured slave in the future when traveling to Mars from Earth is normal, but not for her kind. Through circumstance, she is turned over to a new owner and ends up on a freighter carrying important cargo into space with a crew of eighteen men.

In this rough environment of space merchant marines, she starts to become a woman because of the kindness and respect she receives from the captain, his brother, and many of the crew. This beginning of a romance situation is the background to an adventure Larissa never imagined being part of at the age of twenty-two.

There are attacks by pirates, confused personal relations, and Sci-Fi adventure that Ms. Dufour writes in an easy to read style - slow at times but gripping at others. Not being a Sci-Fi buff, I may join Bit's, Larissa’s nickname, heroic adventure in the future.

I have read another of Ms. Dufour’s books, 'LIFE SUCKS,' and will return for more.

Purchase, free:

Saturday, July 21, 2018


A Connie Barrera Thriller


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Two items attracted me to this novel: I had lived in St. Thomas, USVI for two years in the hospitality business and the Caribbean for twenty-eight. Moreover, I did a little sailing around the islands, mostly when I was living in Charlotte Amalia at the Virgin Isle Hotel as Asst. General Manager. Lastly, my sister's name is Connie.

Mr. Dougherty brought back memories with Connie doing what she learned to love - sailing, to the point she gets her Captain's license.  Upon acquiring her permit, with money dropped into her hands through cunning, she buys a 49,000-pound yacht, which she never sailed into open waters before.

Sailing that boat from the Chesapeake Bay to the US Virgin Islands turns into a disaster.  She takes on a temporary crew of two - a man and a woman to help her make the journey, because her man friend, ex-cop, sailor, and an excellent cook, could not make the trip.

Connie's crew has their illegal reason to make the trip that includes working for a mob figure. The male crew member presents a problem that leads to a deadly event.

From this point on, this thriller goes into rough waters. Will aid arrive on time? While waiting for it, the reader is kept on the edge of his or her seat wondering if any help is coming.

Fast pace, nautically correct, and well written with a character like Connie, you’ll be wanting to follow her the next journey. I highly recommend LOVE FOR SAIL for those who enjoy adventure and traveling, as much as I do.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


A Savannah Martin Mystery, Book 1


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Savannah is a newly minted Real Estate Broker who finds herself and a childhood acquaintance standing over the dead body of one of her cohorts, blood everywhere. She calls 911, and the mystery begins.

What makes this particular multilayer whodunit different is the characters, which are colorfully defined by the author.  Savannah, the lead, is your typical Southern Bell who has the propensity to evaluate the situation at hand, and she goes through some difficult ones.

The cast comes in all shapes and sizes.  An example is Savannah's childhood hunk of a bad-boy man friend who becomes an integral part of the situation at hand and the shade of a possibility of a romantic attachment, mostly on his side because her mother's words are in her head.

He and Savannah come in contact throughout this adventure which leads to an unlikely killer with a well put together ending that will have the reader wanting to go on. Book 2 is right around the corner.

This mystery keeps you on the edge of your seat trying to figuring out the who, and why the crimes were committed. Savannah turns into a better sleuth than a Real Estate Broker.

Good Read:

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Review of Two Rivers

The Peacemaker


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

A warrior thinks and believes in other ways than his tribe; a young adopted foreigner upsets the comfort zone of the same tribe, and a young tribal woman is confused with the warrior's abilities and is interested in the foreigner. Enlightenment is in the mind of the warrior while the youngsters are coming to grips with their existence.

The plot is simple: each is upsetting the norms of the people who they live with on a daily basis, the warrior with his ideas and the young adults with their attraction to each other. The harmful elements of the tribe come ahead, and the Chief Warrior makes a decision that changes all three lives forever.

Some violent actions bring this story to a life-changing ending and into a new horizon: an inviting one which will lead the reader into the second book. 

TWO RIVERS is a novel that is easy to read because of the thought used in writing the story. It is full of nuggets of reasoning and understanding of what life should be in the world.

The prose flows nicely with some exciting events. The reader's attention will speed to the end in one sitting. As usual, Zoe Saadia has written a beautiful novel. I have read three or four; I have lost count.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Review of Six Easy Pockets

Six Easy Pockets

Cindy Blackburn

Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Jessie is at it again in one of Blackburn's A Cue Ball Mysteries. She is snooping.

Receiving a telephone phone call on a landline from a wealthy friend who "Misplaced" his girlfriend, Jessie is distraught because the person misplaced is her 'Girlfriend' also. The mystery begins when she, the by day Romance writer, goes to the estate that is humongous, her words not mine.

Wilson, Jessie's hubby, does not get involved until her and another detective cannot come to grips with the missing person event, and the investigation becomes a deadly one. The large staff at the estate, family members, and Jessie's condo friends are included in the overall whodunit episodes.

The enjoyable way Ms. Blackburn brings her characters alive, including the villain, downplays the crime a bit but has the reader loving the main characters including the cats. Jessie, as in other Blackburn mysteries, ends up in the final act that is somewhat comical and deadly at the same time.

Will the villain come to justice? Only by reading this fun novel will you find out.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Review of Enlightenment NOW

Enlightenment NOW
The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism,
and Progress


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Put your thinking hat on your head. I am somewhat intelligent. LOL. To read this book, you need to be a person with cognitive intelligence.

It will be normal, when reading this extensive delving into the history of man's development through today's diverse world, to disagree or agree with some of the author's premises of that evolution.  A little background in Philosophy and Psychology will help you understand some of his ideas.

However, a reader, with limited knowledge of the above, will be educated by some for Mr. Pinker's detailed evaluations and defenses of his ideologies about the case studies enclosed which are liberal progressive leaning. In all instances, you will stop reading and think about the commentary whether you like it or not.

Apart from some of the author’s pontificating, the read was worth the price. I disagree with Bill Gates, it’s not the best book I ever read, which is subjective.    

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Review of DARK WATER



Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Peter Clancy is about to leave on a trip to a quiet place to write a book about his journalistic prowess when he receives a call from a family tie in Australia. Sam won't tell him the reason, but it is crucial.

When he arrives, nothing seems to have changed from his home township that he was 'Run out' of years ago, and there is still hostility by the ex-sheriff now politician festering.  A project that Sam is in an uproar over that politician is in the middle.

Peter evaluates the situation with Sam’s help and decides to use his abilities and goes to the town's newspaper to write an article denouncing the project. All hell breaks out when it is published leading to riots, more murders, and upsetting corrupt people that are behind the project.

How they resolve problems 'Down under,' is interwoven throughout this story to the 'Bloody end' in the Dark Waters of crocodile infested Outback. The suspense and intrigue will keep the reader involved to that end.

I enjoyed the characters that will lead the reader into the next book in this series. However, the novel stands on its own. It is straightforward prose with Aussie humor and ‘Way of life’ examples.

Good Read; Purchase:

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Review of What Happened in Vienna,Jack?



Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

There are strange bedfellows in war and clandestine work. In “What Happen in Vienna, Jack?” it's a prince and the ruler of Germany meeting before World War II. The results of their encounter start a private Royal event kept out of the public eye.

Only a hand full of people knows the truth, which leads to criminal actions that fester. Influential people in the United Kingdom want the result of the seed to go away into perpetuity. Moreover, this quest is put into the hands of a few led by Jack Price and his recruit Patrick West.

This adventure, Mr. Kemp interwove a thrilling intergovernmental plot that leads to disaster for a few high-level intelligence agencies and wealthy people. His prose keeps you on your toes to the end following a spy expert and a newbie muddle through events at hand.

All-in-all, the novel kept me involved and gave me a vital view of understanding how the British 'Get about.' It may be the making of another James Bond movie, using the formable newbie.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Storm Country
Book 1


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Dallas lookout; here comes STORM COUNTRY. Ms. Debacco's novel has all the ingredients that the famous American TV program drama Dallas had in the 80s and 90s.

There are characters you will love and others you will hate - white hat and black hats, cowboys of Montana. In this case, a matriarch Bonnie rules the Storm family of two men and a young lady with a soft but firm hand.

The men run the operations which include a large ranch and a hotel. The young lady is finding her way, and it is she that invites a stranger home to join the workforce.

He is overqualified which raises some suspicions with Bonnie, but she lets them go after his interview.  There is something familiar about him. The family adventure begins with love-hate relations brewing leading to a climax that entices you to read book two.

The well-developed characters bring this book one alive for the reader wanting to know what will happen to their future. The Storm family have a lot going on leading to suspense and a hook, by the writer, at the end that reader will want to continue to book two.

I enjoyed the prose and may purchase book two in the future which is not normal for me.