Monday, October 21, 2019



Review by Roy Murry, Author

SECRET EMPIRES are not secrets. They are highlighting the general public does not get to see on the front pages of newsprint or are mention on the mainstream media.

They are secrets insiders of Washington; D.C. has known for years. Mr. Schweizer gives the reader a snippet of generous backdoor handouts to powerful politicians’ friends and family members receive because of their connection to power. 

The influential people Mr. Schweizer names will open the reader's eyes to why there should be TERM LIMITS for members in the U.S. Congress. Closeness to the decision making of the President or a member of Congress over the years in office is the key to family members becoming multi-millionaires.

I will not name names here, but I assure you, you will know the people involved within Mr. Schweizer's investigative narratives. He doesn't play political bias games - He tells it like it is.

If you didn't know who makes money from Washington power, then read this book. This book confirmed my limited knowledge.

SECRET EMPIRES is a well-written read. 


Sunday, October 6, 2019

Review of LORA LEE



Review by Roy Murry, Author

I am not interested in ghosts per se, but this novel caught my eye and am glad I opened the book. Not believing in ghosts, the hairs on my arms spiked when reading this story about spirits haunting a house.

PJ WEBB's tale keeps the reading engaged weirdly.  I kept turning the page, waiting for the next encounter between LORA LEE and the house's mysterious ghostly inhabitants with two romance story backdrops.

The author has you believing the world of spirits are left on earth until a mission is complete or some event releases them to the other side - where ever that is? A believer of ghosts will be thrilled; a non-believer will laugh out loud. I laughed out loud.

The prose kept me wanting more of her ghostly adventures. I may just come back for more.

This novel is a good read for this Halloween season. Also, PJ WEBB's writing is enjoyable to the end hooking you into book two. If you are into ghosts, you will buy it with a click at the end of LORA LEE.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Review of His BANANA


Review by Roy Murry, Author

This novel is a cute and sexy entanglement between a clutz of a reporter and a perfectionist billionaire. The woman and man are put together because of an investigation - she on him.

At times, there are erotic scenes that wake up the reader from the unusual conflict of their dancing around the subject of attraction. When the truth comes out about her secret, the shit hits the fan to an unexpected culmination.

Some twists and turns, with a not so complicated conclusion, are predictable. Good writing helps the pages turn quickly - a quick and enjoyable romantic read leading into a series.

Purchase: HIS BANANA

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Review of The Great Smoky Mountain Bank Job

& other Sam Jenkins Mysteries


Review by Roy Murry, Author

Mr. Zurl is one author I go to for police action and the entanglements of a crime. He keeps me on my toes.

His novels and short stories are not part of a series per-say, but Sam and his team are the same. He is the only outsider transplanted from New York City to the South, giving some comic relief to the crime at hand.

What changes: are the crimes and those characters who convict them. Each offense that Sam Jenkins unravels baffles everyone around him and the reader - almost Sherlock Holmes.

If you haven't read one of Sam Jenkin's mysteries, this book is an excellent place to start. Then you will be hooked as I am and read a five-star novel by Wayne Zurl. I have read four.

Purchase:  GREAT SMOKY

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Review of HOW TO BE IDLE

HOW TO BE IDLE: A Loafer’s Manifesto


Review by Roy Murry, Author

Sane is the way one would like to keep one's mind. Hodgkinson's delving into the human rationality of existence, hopefully, will lead the reader to a sounder and balanced life.

How we live, sleep, work, and go about the daily chore of surviving on planet earth can be controlled, according to his art of idling.  Many of the famous people who helped make this world a happier place to live are idlers.

Mr. Hodgkinson's (Idlers) philosophy goes against the businesses models that developed after the Industrial Revolution and the invention of the lightbulb. He gives the reader the pros and cons of idling. His view: The advantages out weight the negatives.

Tom's writing is insightful, funny, and convincing. I got an education and found out I am somewhat an idler.

I read this book twice and recommend it highly. I assure you, the reader will be impressed with the premise and may become an IDLER, as I will be for the rest of my life.

I am 73 years old as of this review, and idled in New Orleans for four full days – loved it.

Purchase: How to be Idle


Sunday, September 1, 2019


Haunted on Bourbon Street

Review by Roy Murry, Author

This spooky novel is chuck full of characters who have unusual abilities. At times it was hard to know who trumps who in the final chapters.

However, the story flows excitingly in trying to eliminate a ghost when another spirit latches on to one main character who has no abilities.  Jade, the principle character, comes to her aid with a turn of events that puts the story into a tailspin. 

An event that leads into a ghostly ending, the reader will remember and will want to go on to see the next chapter in Jade's life as an empath, one who feels emotions. She has many witch abilities unknown to her, which develop in Book 2, I believe from the narrative.

As a non-believer in ghosts, I found this story fun to read. A believer will have a different take. Whichever you are, you will enjoy the fast-pace journey into Jade’s strange world on Bourbon Street, New Orleans, USA.


Sunday, August 25, 2019

Review of Witchnapped in Westerham

Witchnapped in Westerham
Paranormal Investigation 
        Bureau, Book 1

Dionne Lister

Review by Roy Murry, Author

What if you woke up one day and a woman came to your door and told you, "You are a witch?" Well, this is what happened to Lily on her twenty-fourth birthday in sunny Australia.

To top that off, her brother, who works for PBI, Paranormal Investigation Bureau, is in trouble.  Angelica, the person who knocks on Lily's door, is her mentor and leads her on an adventure to London and beyond.

Coffee is Lily's kryptonite.  At times, it gets her into trouble during her indoctrination into the life of a witch. Her powers develop as PIB conducts an investigation that will affect them and her family.

The twist and turns to the end will lead the reader through a fun-filled story. Which Witch will survive is helped by Lily's newfound abilities that no witch has had for decades?

The characters, the story, and PIB are creative, leaving the reader wanting more leading into the next book. Ms. Lister's writing hooks you into buying Book 2, 3, and more of this kind of a pleasant night’s reading diversion.

Well written Book 1.


Monday, August 19, 2019

Review of JUSTICE on TRIAL


Mollie Hemingway
  Carrie Severino

Review by Roy Murry, Author

Qualified people may not care to become a member of the Supreme Court because of the way confirmation is run. Until reading Ms. Hemingway and Ms. Severino's history of the Kavanaugh nomination and hearings, which reads like a suspense novel, I had no idea of what transpired behind the scenes.

When the hearings were on TV and in the news, I didn't pay attention and had problems of my own to resolve.  So, Mr. Kavanaugh selection for the court was not one of my priorities, and I do not indulge in watching any news programs on cable.

I am sad to say this description of how the public and the Congress securitize a candidate, positively and negatively, is mind-boggling.  I consider myself intelligent, and I am wondering what happened to the people of the USA, especially the ones they continue to put in the Senate.

The twist and turns in this story is unbelievable.  What happens to people that want to serve as an Associate Justice is appalling - all for political reasons.

I agree with the authors, paraphrased: The process should be about qualifications, character, approach to judging and the role of the federal judiciary. Putting candidates through pretentious bullshit that some Senators spout is not the way to conduct oneself.

I commend the ladies for bringing to light their view of what happened to Mr. Kavanaugh. Many items to think about, and I will say again the prose read like a suspense novel.

So, friends, if you care to read a thrilling novel, purchase: JUSTICE ON TRIAL

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Review of Murder a la Carte



Review by Roy Murry, Author

It is my second novel by Ms. Skopin. I will go back to read another Nikki Hunter Mystery because of Ms. Skopin's lead character and the way she solves a mystery.

Her stories are fast-paced and character-driven, which keeps the reader glued to the page. In this novel, a killer is murdering pedophiles and is closer to Nikki and her police detective lover than one would think.

Using friends, Nikki follows people she thinks the killer would like to eliminate. This effort leads to some exciting sub-plots, which do not distract from the main one.

In the end, the reader will want more, like me. I am a mystery nut.

Review of Ruse & Romance

The Beaucroft Girls, Book One


Review by Roy Murry, Author

Kitty and Juliet are the Beaucroft girls who live in England during the mid-1800s. I won't tell you who is the prettiest because it is part of the story, but I will say to you Kitty is the oldest, and during the times and in proper society, she should be the first to marry an eligible wealth titled bachelor.

The 'Season' has begun in London, and their wealthy parents are expecting one of the girls to woo a man of the Lordly class. Let the games begin, and they do.

A scandalous event between Kitty and a Lord presents a socially unacceptable result. To save Kitty's status, another Lord, and her parents contrive The Ruse, which leads into a Romance, that is not proper enough for Kitty's parents.

Then there are twists and turns after The Ruse is in place, which makes for enjoyable reading for the romantic in you. The reader of this pleasant novel will keep waiting for the end, but this is book one, and the hook catches - the reader will want more of The Beaucroft Girls.

The prose and the background are in the 1800s English but not overwhelming.  The novel is a quick, enjoyable read.

Sunday, August 4, 2019



Jennifer Michael Hecht

Review by Roy Murry, Author

'The brain is what got you this far in life, use it to move on,' is a paraphrased quote by a modern-day agnostic. I don't remember which, but to read Ms. Hecht's history of DOUBT, you need to put on your thinking cap. I took notes – eighty plus.

From Socrates to Mark Twain, she outlines the gods, Gods, religions (All), and gives the reader an education of their doubters. Having a little history knowledge, ancient through today will help the reader navigate through the storylines but is not necessary.

Whether you are a believer, an agnostic, or an atheist; you will enjoy the background information. Each historical character she explains in detail - his or her theology or philosophy. 

You may not agree with Ms. Hecht's rendition of her facts, but you will agree that her written prose is compelling. I had to stop and think many times - a good thing.

Ms. Hecht's writing flows through DOUBTS history smoothly - a well-written account of facts and fantasy most have forgotten or had no knowledge.  I will keep the book for reference.

It's a delightful read for an Epicurean Atheist like me. You will understand your life better if you buy this book.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


Unmasking the Administrative State


Review by Roy Murry, Author

I found this dissertation gripping with Mr. Marini's delving into the philosophy, psychology, and sociology of how the USA Government works. However, I have a college degree and have been trained in Psychological Warfare at the US Army's Special Force's JFK Center with an extensive, eclectic reading background.

That said: This thesis is not for the general reading public. The pleasure reader will not find enjoyment in reading this knowledgeable background explanation of the history of centralized operating governments.

Mr. Marini does not UNMASK names in the last twenty years of the USA ADMINISTRATION, but he does give the reader a lot to think about as to how the government has interfered with ordinary American's lives over that time frame and more.  One must be a reader of social and political history to enjoy this book.

I recommend it for want-to-be scholars and scholars. If you want an easy and fun read, check out other books I have reviewed. 

meet...Clara Andrews

meet…Clara Andrews


Review by Roy Murry, Author

Do Americans mix well with the English? Oliver, a Texan, meets Clara Andrews in a light drama that has an unusual ending.

Clara is a newly promoted Assistant Designer at a company that designs clothing accessories, and Oliver is brought into the company as the head designer of a new product line - Clara's new boss for the duration of his design contract.

A Texan falling in love with a Londoner in the UK is a one in a million shot. However, Clara is not just an English woman; she has the qualities that Oliver would marry.

I don't have to say any more about this romantic novel. You follow the drift.

Ms. London, if that is her real name, brings the reader to the point of emotional climax with a twist that turns to disaster. When the end arrives, the reader will be surprised without explanation.

You'll have to read the next in the series to find out the end. I enjoyed Ms. London's characters and the story-line and may go on to book two sometime in the future.

Friday, June 21, 2019




Review by Roy Murry, Author

Garrett Goodlove (Really?) is a criminal defender turned family lawyer because of a personal tragedy in his life? That changes when he decides to defend a person accused of murder, his twin sister.

Her special needs are part of the underlining story, which brought light to something many of us do not think about - deafness. Because of this affection, some drama adds twists to the novel will please the reader.

The main plot has an intriguing events in it that come to light in the trial section, which Goodlove takes advantage of for the defense; and at one point he is conned by a beautiful lady. The suspense will keep the reader reading to the end, which will be a surprise, even to the victim's accomplice.

One of the best trial novels I have read lately - fast and not drowned in legalize wordage. I will go back to read another of Al's dramas in the future. You should read at least one.

Sunday, June 16, 2019


When The Music Ends


Review by Roy Murry, Author

This melodramatic love story has its ups and downs. The writing is excellent, but the drama is too much for a novel. For Romance lovers, you'll cry a lot.

The main characters click - her at eighteen and in High School, while he is four years her elder, but she has loved him forever..., her best friend's brother.  

From here, the story goes through all the emotions that lovers endear including her first sexual experience. However, the ending is not what you would expect of a novel titled When The Music Ends, because it does not, she is still playing her Oboe at the end, and a new series is born.

The twist and turns keep the reader involved and are worth the read.

Sunday, June 2, 2019


Peter Clancy Series (Book 5)


Review by Roy Murry, Author

This book is the second of the series I have read, and it stands alone crossing the USA and introducing new characters. Peter's self-confidence is still battling the criminal element with his investigative style.

Peter Clancy's astute cognitive thinking gets him into cliff-hanging episodes the ordinary reporter wouldn't venture. Helping an SFPD inspector, he gets inside information that evolves into front-page news and Peter very close to the criminal element.

In the FLAMEKEEPER, TW's protagonist becomes one of the main characters of his news stories because he is so close to the flame he may burn. These close encounters are thrilling enough to keep the reader involved at a good reading pace. 

This novel is entertaining and keeps the reader connected. Everything I look for in a good read, page-turner.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Review of FROM GODS

Descendant Prophecies Series, Bk 1


Review by Author Roy Murry

FROM GODS is for a young audience. So, I believe the author wrote it for that group of young people.

The plot was unusual and sometimes illogical, but I kept wanting to know what would happen in what seemed to be a one-sided love story. Skylar falls for Manson; I don't understand why, but she does.

Their paranormal adventure defied logic and was a bit funny considering the use of Greek gods as the descendants. The story had holes in it regarding those gods, which I let go and enjoyed the story for what it was - a YA genre novel - they don't care about accuracy in a series as this.

Skylar's powers will develop in the series, but I will move on to another genre. If you are young at heart and want some fun, I recommend this short read to a different world. 

Read free with Kindle:

Sunday, May 19, 2019


Charlie Parker Mysteries


Review by Roy Murry, Author

This novel is the first in a charming series about an accountant who gets involved in a murder case because of her ex-best friend's request. Quite unusual, but her and the real detective, her brother, own an Investigation Agency and he is out of town on another job.

Charlie is her name; however, sleuthing is not.  In this instance, the police didn't do their due diligence. She falls into the mystery, and it solves itself because of her kindness.

Accountants do have cognitive abilities. However, Charlie has another one that is needed to become a real detective - she asks great questions, some of which get her in trouble that adds suspense to the novel.

The characters are well defined, including her dog, which will help the series move on to solve new cases. I may return.

However, I felt something was missing in the plot.  Maybe you can find it. The story was enjoyable.

Sunday, May 12, 2019




Review by Roy Murry, Author

'Why the human race makes war?' Mr. Hanson's question presented in this somewhat Ph.D. thesis in this book. He completes the examination with an Epilogue with the paradoxes of the present state of war between the Western countries, i.e., mostly the USA vs. the autocratic countries.

Having taken Ancient History in college, I have some semblance of knowledge. However, a reader, who has not, might use the Index to help understand Davis Hanson's comparisons - Ancient vs. Modern warfare, physical and psychological.

Putting aside the above when reading, the reader will enjoy the smooth flow of the words explaining our world turmoil and why humans are killing each other. His narratives into past and present conflicts, over sometimes idiotic reasons, are compelling.

This read is not for the kind-hearted, but for people who cares about the state of affairs of today's wars and they are bloody consequences. Everyone in college and those who intellectually care should read this book, which will help them understand why humans will kill in the future world conflicts.

It would be best if you put your thinking cap on to read this thesis. I had to stop and think many times when contemplating Victor David Hanson's historical commentaries. Try reading it; thinking is a good exercise. 

Friday, May 10, 2019




Review by Roy Murry, Author

As my family, friends, and few fans know, I have written three novels, a poetry book, a few papers, and each week write a book review on my blog. Lately, I have written little - mostly book reviews.

I needed a boost to get over my writer’s block. I looked for solutions because many have asked me what was my 'Work-In-Process' at the moment. I didn’t tell the whole truth.

I saw FENG SHUI FOR WRITERS and thought 'What the hell,' and bought the book. I needed an 'Awakening' to start writing again daily.

Ms. Simon's easy to read instructions on how to regulate energy in the writing area was exciting and in detail. She advises as to where to put your desk, what goes on it, and to the direction, it should be facing according to Feng Shui.

She explains what is Feng Shui and gives a pep talk on how to get writing. She got me thinking – could this work.

Her plausible solutions will lead each type of writer to the energy points needed for results, using theories that may be questionable. However, Ms. Simon came across as a believer and convinced me enough to give them a try.

It was an enjoyable read even if you are not a believer. I’ll get back to you all if it changes my mood and I am writing my fourth novel.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Jill Orr

Review by Roy Murry, Author

Mystery, whodunits, is the genre I read the most. Riley Ellison's is not in my top five list, but I give five stars for the beginning of a new series.

The Protagonist's character Riley is a well-thought-out one, and Ms. Orr has room to age her into the mystery genre. She is young with a keen mind but lacks the maturity of a seasoned report, her role.

The plot falls into place not because of Riley but because of the small-town murder that surrounds her character. Only incidents bring about a particular ending solving the crimes. 

That said. I did love the Riley character and the supporting group that edges her on and probes her youthfulness.  She is learning the ropes and learns fast even though sometimes physically.

Bad Break was enjoyable and funny at times. I recommend it if you care to start with book one of this mystery series. I may; I read this is two sittings. Ms. Orr has three novels out now.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


The Mound Builders, book 1


Review by Roy Murry, Author

Ms. Saadia's native American series are enjoyable because she puts in extensive research into them. You can tell by the way the history into the prose is not opaque, but gently hidden in the native's conversations.

With little written history, she grabs the reader into a plausible story that of a great tribe along the Ohio River. That tribe consumes the goods of smaller tribes on that tributary and using those men as builders of the Mounds - large buildings.

This story begins with the Tribute Collector and his niece. He is out collecting what the Royal Sun tribe demands of the lesser ones using force if need be. His niece moves up the royal ladder.

The collector brings back a strong-headed young man, who has proved his capabilities in killing and is to pay his penalty for that act. After a bloody battle to please the ruler, the young man meets the young niece by happenstance. You need to read book two to see if that story continues, as I may. 

Ms. Saadia story is compelling with an event that changed the world in 1205, according to some historians. That event overshadows the juncture of the two young people meeting and the way the Royals’ conflict with each other over it. 

This novel is well written and fast-paced - one seating read.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


The Sweet Taste of Sin


Review by Roy Murry, Author

When you give up something precious of yourself, you will never get it back. That loving act is the beginning and the underlining love keeping the main character engaged with the past, present, and possible future of her romance. 

Ashlyn falls in love with a famous person, a Fontaine, in film school college. Handsome and wealthy Dante falls in love with her also, but there is a side of him that he will not let her in. They break up.

Then the story begins a few years later, and all emotions come to light again with an unfortunate event. Here is where the Taste of Sin starts with conversations and acts of sin that lead to another 'On again; off again,’ rollercoaster ride that does not seem to end.

However, it does end. Romantics will like the end; others will not. However, the written emotional conversations will keep the reader hoping for the best, as they should in a well put together beginning of a series - THE FONTAINES. 

Only reading on, will the love affair be fully developed between Ashlyn and Dante. It's worth the chase to get the series - the first book free on KINDLE.


Sunday, April 14, 2019


  A Psychic Detective
         Kate Pierce
      Crime Thriller


Review by Roy Murry, Author

At times Ms. Sutter has the reader on the edge of their seat, but I found this thriller not believable. The writing is good, and the characters understandable. However, the story didn't come across as real.

Kate's character is well put together for a series. So, in telling me, the author gives away to the fact that Kate will survive any event.

I like police thrillers. This one didn't keep my attention completely.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Review of Ireland, A Novel

Ireland, A Novel
Frank Delaney

Review by Roy Murry, Author

"Explore all you like ---this Ireland; no family worth the name is without a secret. And you should know that in this country a secret is something everyone else knows," is said to Ronan when finding out a secret in his life. He is on the last road of his journey to find a Storyteller that started when he was nine.

Through short stories, many told by the Storyteller, letters read, people on Ronan's life quest to discover who he is, and lectures of his history professor, the reader will find the rich history of Ireland. This history told from before the Norman conquest to the Easter Rebellion of 1916 in a novel form that keeps your attention.

The roots of Irish myths, heroes, and the common man is in prose that will delight the reader - how the Irish tell a tale is fun to read. I read some stories over again. And you will too.

IRELAND, A NOVEL is one of the best reads of my career as a reviewer of over four hundred books.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019




 3/21/2019 >Sidney Powell #Legal #DOJ #FBI LICENSED TO LIE #bookreview Purchase:

>Victor Davis Hanson’s MEXIFORNIA #IllegalImmigrants #History #bookreview Purchase:

>@Cato Institute  Micheals & Knappenberger LUKEWARMING
The New Climate Science That Changes Everything

>Shelby Steele’s #Political #CivilRights SHAME How America’s Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country  #bookreview Purchase:

>George Orwell’s #Political dystopian novel published as Nineteen Eighty-Four or 1984, originally published in 1949  Purchase:

> Yoram Hazony’s THE VIRTUE OF NATIONALISM #bookreview #Political #Nationalism  Purchase:

>Oran Thaller’s UNITING KINGDOMS #Philosophy #Motivational #Globalism #bookreview Purchase:

>Congressman Ken Buck’s DRAIN THE SWAMP #USA #Politics #Government #bookreview Purchase:

>@TuckerCarlson ’s SHIP of FOOLS #Political #History #bookreview  Purchase:

>Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules of Life, An Antidote to Chaos #Bookreview #psychology #philosophy #purchase:

>Ben Shapiro's THE ESTABLISHMENT IS DEAD #Politics #Bookreview Purchase:

 3/1/17 >Mike Lofgren’s #UnitedStates THE DEEP STATE #DeepState #Bookreview Purchase:   

Thursday, March 21, 2019


Tarot Haunting

E.B. Sullivan

Review by Roy Murry, Author

This novel is a fun read with a predictable ending. After all, it is a romance story with an interesting twist that keeps the reader engaged.

There are roadblocks in Cassie's story. She has her doubts as to her evaluations of situations never encounter in her sheltered life after taking a position in New York City with a TV personality. She becomes the historical researcher for his show.

Whether you are religious or not, the reader will enjoy how Ms. Sullivan equates Tarot Cards to Cassie's faith base Biblical rules. After Cassie reads/interprets a card, the story moves forward for the good or the bad in her relationships with her boss, Jared, and her over religious protective family.

That movement has some twists and turns that the reader will laugh at and maybe cry a tear in some places, wishing the best for Cassandra on her journey of self-realization.  It all works out in the end. Maybe?

'One sitting' read for the romance lover waiting for the punch line.

Quite enjoyable. I think I am a Romantic. LOL


Exposing Corruption in the
Department of Justice


Mainstream Media will never tell you this story about one of the members of The Mueller's investigation into a collision that has taken two years without credibility. His name is Weissmann, who also headed the Eron, Anderson, Merrill Lynch probes and trial as the lead prosecutor.

Ms. Powell exposes their corrupt "Gamesmanship," a term in legal circles referring to the way lawyers conduct themselves during a case. She contends that Weissmann and the company play the legal game dirty and illegally.

For some years, she was Jim Brown's lawyer in the MERRILL case after being a prosecutor for many years. With her experience, Ms. Powell outlines each case mentioned above, including another DOJ overreach that ended in acquittal. The detail of her discourse is overwhelming and to the point.

Ms. Powell has turned the table on the DOJ. Or has she? Will, her client, go back to prison for the government's misconduct? Will others pay the price for the Prosecutors hiding the truth from the defendants? 

The above is the exciting part of this novel/expose’ that uses the actual trial transcript to bring the point across - the DOJ does not play fair, and there are no repercussions when they lie as to the truth of a case in and out of court.   

Her point is clear and puts the government and Mr. Weissmann on the spot, but you will not hear it in the news, and we didn't know when the above cases were tried.

I found the book a little lengthy and redundant at times, but well written. It is worth 'the dime.'

Thursday, March 14, 2019


A State of Becoming


Review by Roy Murry, Author

Closed or open borders on the southern frontier of the USA is the central question of Mr. Hanson's thesis. He gives the reader the full spectrum of pros and cons to contemplate in his description of the state of California the way he sees it as a native farmer and professor of history.

The complexities of the Mexican illegal immigration that California seems to be the epicenter may spread across the country if the governments on each side of the divide do not pay attention to the reasons for that migration. The movements of that migration must be either stopped or opened is the question the USA Congress and the American people must decide - walls or no walls.

MEXIFORNIA is a piece of excellent background information as to what has happened since the 1970s to the present situation. Latins, illegal or not, are the backbone of the farming industry in that state.

According to the author, his and thousands of Californians’ lives have changed with the constant flow of young migrants replacing older ones, working on farms and hard labor.  Many of them have not acquired the ability to assimilate to become citizens or speak the English language.

This situation has changed the economic landscape, much for the worst, and could spread throughout the USA.

If the USA immigration at our Southern border is of interest to you, MEXIFORNIA is an intelligent read to start your quest of understanding illegal immigration.