Unmasking the
Administrative State
JOHN MARINI with edit
Review by Roy Murry,
I found this
dissertation gripping with Mr. Marini's delving into the philosophy,
psychology, and sociology of how the USA Government works. However, I have a
college degree and have been trained in Psychological Warfare at the US Army's Special
Force's JFK Center with an extensive, eclectic reading background.
That said: This thesis
is not for the general reading public. The pleasure reader will not find enjoyment
in reading this knowledgeable background explanation of the history of
centralized operating governments.
Mr. Marini does not
UNMASK names in the last twenty years of the USA ADMINISTRATION, but he does
give the reader a lot to think about as to how the government has interfered
with ordinary American's lives over that time frame and more. One must be a reader of social and political
history to enjoy this book.
I recommend it for
want-to-be scholars and scholars. If you want an easy and fun read, check out
other books I have reviewed.