Sunday, January 14, 2018

Review of An Innocent Client

An Innocent Client
Joe Dillard Series, Book 1


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Legal Defenders of people accused of a crime to some are the scum of the earth. How could they defend a killer, a rapist, or a pedophile? Scott Pratt's Joe Dillard is a defense lawyer who has his demons, past, and present.

Joe and Caroline have a loving family because they worked at it and was derived from his income as a lawyer, most of which seem to come from defending the guilty. He gets these cases from judges that don't care for him, and the pay is not lucrative.

However, a significant payday arrives when he agrees to defend Angel, a beautiful young girl who claims her innocents, substantiated by the lady paying him a quarter of a million dollars to take the case.

Joe has other problems and cases going on at the same time. His mother is dying; his sister is a criminal, and a man he is defending is a multiplicative nut case, 'All in days’ work.'

Mr. Pratt gives the reader insight into the working of the legal system and how both the defender and prosecutor use that system to their advantage. The prose moves smoothly with some twist and turns. It was worth the price.

Review of Chasing Justice

The Piper Anderson Series Book One


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Piper has a past and moves to a quiet town to get away from it. The center of the city is a dinner where everyone meets.

Here she meets a lovely lady and involves herself in something she can't handle at the moment: a man, a judge, and a family. All present problems Piper is not accustomed to, which is love, crime, and stability.

Piper Anderson's emotions and those of the people she confronts are the highlights of the story.  How she overcomes those depends on Betty, a family's linchpin, who grieves over the loss of her husband's death, a police officer and the way he die.

It all unravels after Piper, on a hunch, gets involved with the town's criminal syndicate poking around and following one man who she feels has a questionable sexual appetite. What she confronts could destroy her new-found family.

The twist and turns, the highs and lows of a love-hate relationship, and Piper's sensitiveness make for a rollercoaster reading ride. This novel is an excellent lead into a series.

Purchase Free on Kindle

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Review of Barrie Hill Reunion


Reviewed by Roy Murry, Author

Brodey's instigating protagonist, Leah, captures most of the reunion's conversations with fellow literary students after being apart for twenty years. For some reason, she is at odds with Clare, the organizer.

Six of them meet in a well-known hotel near the campus and where they gathered weekly while attending school. Each had gone on to newsworthy endeavors when they parted: an author, an actor, an editor, a publisher, a playwriter, and Leah.

Where Leah anger comes from, no one knows, except possibly her husband, Colin. She is smart, manipulative, cunning, and at one-time wrote a play with him.

The three-day reunion will keep you, the reader wondering what is going on. Leah is playing everyone trying to reach her goal of undermining Clare’s status. She does not know that she might be the one being played.

Each of the characters has their hidden problems brought up over the course of the weekend and are somewhat resolved by the end. However, the climatic ending will have the reader cheering.

What goes around comes around. Need I say more - NOT HERE.

This is the second book I have read of Lisette's. I am back for more as you should be too, because she writes exciting topics, with intriguing characters.