Sunday, March 6, 2022


Love Beyond Time




Review by Author Roy Murry


A young woman goes back, in time, to when men ruled and women were property. The events are put in place by a Scottish witch named Morna to help save a clan.

Bri, the young woman, confuses the clan's laird with her 21st Century language and customs. Finally, however, they fall in love with a war brewing because of their nuptials. That is the unusual crux of the story.

The time travel usage made the story enjoyable. However, it seemed unreasonable because of the communications factor that helped events along.

For a book one that is free on Amazon Kindle, the read was worth it. The writing does pull the reader into wanting to read more. Although, I will not.

If you like romance, this is a strange one you may enjoy.



Thursday, February 24, 2022

Review of BRIGHTSIDE, A Novel





Review by Author Roy Murry


I found Brightside, a novel, to be a disturbing story. The government confines characters in an environment of their kind - telepaths on a mountain. Does this sound familiar?

The story is confusing and dark. Joe, the main character, is on the verge of a mental breakdown. His misadventures in relationships and misuse of his abilities might drive him over the edge.

There are only two ways for Joe to resolve his predicament - kill himself or get off the mountain. However, his interrelationship with others and nonsensical events lead to an unconventional ending.

Mr. Tullius' writing is crisp, fast-moving, and clear to understand. But unfortunately, Brightside, A Novel is not on the bright side but the dark side of the human mind.



Saturday, February 19, 2022

Fuel From Russia


End Times? February Rant 2022


I moved to Free Florida in the '70s from Massachusetts, my birth State. I was not too fond of the ideas floating around by my political and family members. I worked on a Democrat City project (Family aided appointment) and helped a Democrat family friend run for City Council. My family and friends were Democrats.

I grew up disliking Republicans - our family DNA. Our Italian family was huge, with twelve aunts and uncles and fifty-two cousins.

My problem, or maybe their problem was, I started asking questions. I just graduated from college and spent my time before that in Vietnam as a Green Beret, a specialist in Operations and Intelligence ('69 -'71.)

They didn't call me a racist or a white supremacist. But the cousins and friends who went to college and not to Nam told me they knew better. In other words, we know better, follow don't lead.

I always thought, "Out of the box," looking for ways to make things better. But unfortunately, nothing has changed in Massachusetts. They are still "Woke," the State is called Taxachusetts, and all voted for Biden.

I talked to one Democrat cousin last month, who voted for Biden. She told me the State was importing fuel from Russia, and gas prices increased.

She is eighty-four, so I did not rub it in nor ask questions about Russia and Ukraine or how that war would affect her stove fuel. I just let it go. Old age does that to one. I am seventy-four and writing on Substack and Scribestar.


Go Figure.

Thursday, February 17, 2022




Aleksandar Miljkovic


Review by Author Roy Murry


This story seems plausible with recent the United Kingdom and USA news coming to light - wealthy men taking advantage of young women. Present-day (2/16/22), a prince pays twelve million dollars to a woman for his indecent acts while on a junket to a wealthy Hollywood producer's compound.

In this story, Buster, a Miami detective, is asked to help solve a crime in Canada with no details about the crime.

It is a secret that his new Canadian partner Cliff advises him of the sex trafficking of redhead women by wealthy connected men. And, Billy is doing what Billy does well in another part of town - interesting and strange happenstances with his new friend Albert.

The four men evolve in thrilling events that keep the reader waiting for this page-turner to end. When it comes, THE REDHEADS will be grateful, and the reader will be glad they read this well-written novel.



Friday, February 11, 2022





Review by Author Roy Murry

If you like reading a long Romance novel (424 pages), this is for you. Chloe and Lincoln have a long up-and-down relationship that lasts a few months, but the events are on the same cycle.

They have sex, one or the other has a conflict, then they have sex, more conflicts, and this goes through until there are no more conflicts. This complete story is frustrating with familiar twists and turns, and everything is "Forbidden" except the wicked sex. 

The first and most crucial problem is who Lincoln Moore is and why is he is fascinated with Chloe sexually. She is a loser according to her family, and he is prominent. 

The above is the root of their problems. How they make it to the story's ending is like going through a minefield without the proper equipment.

The story begins in Las Vegas and ends there. And remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but not in Chloe and Lincoln's case.

Oh, this is a well-written story expected of a USA Today Bestselling Author. But it was too long for my consumption. So instead, I flipped through a number of the sex scenes.



Friday, February 4, 2022

Review of KICK YOUR FAT in the NUTS






Review by Author Roy Murry


T. C. Hale takes a boring subject and gives it a little comic relief to keep the reader's attention. Unfortunately, the subject is still dull and complicated, but a person who wants to be healthy should read this Kindle free book.

I agree with him on a few ideas. One: stay away from processed foods and cook your meals when possible. I have been doing this most of my adult life. Two: Work out as best you can. A gym is not needed.

My mother, wife, or maid cooked when we had one for the rest of it. So, life has been good to me. I walk and play golf. You?

If life hasn't been that good, and you stop off at McDonald's four times a week plus others, I recommend the insights in this book. A meal of proper unprocessed food will go a long way to keeping your body healthy. And, a walk a day may keep the doctor away.

T.C. has put this well-written subject into a package some may like - a security blanket. However, if you don't need a blanket, the read will help you know what not to do when eating.

Purchase Paperback (Better):

Thursday, January 27, 2022







Review by Author Roy Murry


Harper Jones has lost her witches' license and has to return to her hometown to live with her Gran. By circumstances, she buys The Dusty Attic Bookstore, which has a dead body on the first day.

This murder starts the mayhem that includes shifters, ghosts, and other paranormal events. A gorgeous detective investigates the crime while at the same time, Harper sleuths her way into events surrounding it. 

They collide, then come together, discovering an intriguing plot that festered years ago by one of the local shifters. The ending is a surprise to them and even the reader of this fun book.

'WITCH WAY' is book one in a series that hooks the reader with all the correct elements: good writing, well-defined characters, and a colorful open-ended backdrop.


Friday, January 21, 2022






Review by Roy Murry


An interesting concept put into a novel - a genie college? Edmund's family wants him to be a lawyer.

Their big mistake was hiring a Jin as a tutor, or does the genie pick the family? Whichever, Edmund is in for a life-changing adventure.

What happens in the academy stays in the academy. Edmund learns this and much more.

This fun book keeps the reader laughing about the trials and errors of a young man going to school. He gets in trouble with the headmaster, falls in love, and is taunted by his Genie/Tudor and classmates.

The novel is well constructed for a first in a series for young adults.



Saturday, January 15, 2022




L. H. Cosway


Review by Author Roy Murry


I found this story a little overwhelming depressing. Oliver King's life is the center of this romance. Alexis' story is secondary, but she is the glue that brings the relationship together.

King hires Alexis as his assistant because he finds her beautiful and intelligent. Alexis finds the financial world she has entered, where King is King, but he has his demons that are not on the surface.

Their hearts come together on all levels, except he does not explain his hatred for his father. But, when this conflict comes to a head in Part I, "Before," King lets another demon take over their lives.

In Part II, "After," Alexis is the rock that a family foundation is built. King is in a dark cycle where only Alexis's love, friends, and music can bring him back to life.

Coming out of the dark is more challenging than going into it. But, with Alexis's love for King, they will survive. The end is delightful.

L. H. Cosway's writing is crisp and deeply consuming, bringing her characters into a web of love and conflicts a reader will enjoy and may cry a bit.


Friday, January 7, 2022

Review of Witchy Reservations



A Mystic Inn Mystery




Review by Author Roy Murry

Angelica, who works in a big city hotel, has a witchy background. Her aunt tricks her back to her roots at Mystic Inn in a town full of witches.

When Angie arrives home, life is not what she expected. Aunt Thelma is alive; the Inn is in disarray; within a few days, her aunt kills by using a wand, or does she?

Yes, this storyline is funny but severe to the witches involved. Auntie is arrested, and Angie becomes a witchy sleuth. She turns the town upside down, upsetting many witches with a hilarious twist.

This first book, in a series, has all the ingredients - characters, location, and wide-open areas to develop new mysteries.

Therefore, I recommend buying this series if you like fun with witches.



Friday, December 24, 2021

Review of Pinch of Commitment

Pinch of Commitment




Review by Author Roy Murry


This Ethan and Lily novel is a typical boy next door best friend story of them growing up. Each character has hard luck becoming an adult story to tell within the main one. Finally, they come together as adults into a contract.

To save headaches and money, they marry. Lily gets Ethan's restaurants, Ethan gets to do what he wants in high tech. Both their pasts collide and haunt them in a tangled web of love and greed.

This book stands alone if you have read the first in the series. Well-written, the story seems to make sense but is highly unlikely generally in our society today.

A little bit of romance goes a long way as a deceiver in Ms. Oram's series.


Saturday, December 18, 2021




Small Town Lawyer - Book One




Review by Author Roy Murry

This courtroom drama has a good storyline that kept me turning the pages. Mr. Kirkland's main characters will hold up in a series.

The pace was quick and to the point, with a thrilling ending that I did not expect. Leland Munroe is a lawyer on a shoestring budget who takes a case because of his relationship with his young client's mother.

While waiting for the trial to begin, Leland and his investigator Terri ruffle a few feathers in the small town. But, what they uncover will turn their murder case around in a deadly way.

The story is exciting and well written. Defending Innocence is an excellent book-one leading into a series.


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Review of The Haunting of Hattie Hasting


The Haunting of Hattie Hastings




Review by Author Roy Murry


If you believe in ghosts and life after death or don't, you will enjoy this story of Hattie and her dead husband, Gary. As friends call her, Hats gives a hilarious account of Gary popping in and out of her earth's work-a-day life.

Gary is sent to earth to resolve some problems but is unclear about what they are. Cat, 'Hats and Gary's' friend, gets the privilege of seeing and hearing the ghost of Gary, also.

You may or may not get the drift, but this is a relationship theme novel. Of course, as a reader, you will want to get to the end with all intriguing associations tied up in a pretty package. But in this tale, they are all not.

This haunting is not horrific but a pleasantly written, fun journey about a ghostly interloper. I am delighted to have found this book.

It's a good read. Purchase:


Thursday, December 2, 2021





Review by Author Roy Murry


DELICIOUS is a word to describe A RECIPE FOR LOVE. This novel set off endorphins in my mind when reading about the Christmas menu prepared at Carol's Bistro.

 Ms. Yeager is either a French Chef or has done excellent research in writing this fun novel. According to their accountant, Carol and her partner, Roksana, own a Bistro in London that needs an uplift.

But it's Christmas time, which for Carol is a time for a lover's depression moment. So, she cooks dinner for her mother to explain the situation and then listens to her reply - In this case, 'mother knows best.'

Carol gives into a Christmas affair with Roksana and their staff. The games begin with the Bistro, menu, and all. The transition is hilarious to read about, and if you are a foodie – DELICIOUS.



Sunday, November 28, 2021

Review of Book 1 in Poppy McGuire Series




The Poppy McGuire Series




Review by Author Roy Murry


Poppy is a grown-up Nancy Drew, except her father owns the only bar in town. She teams up with a town outsider, Alex, a young retired detective.

A wealthy woman is strangled in her home, and the police believe it is a robbery. Poppy disagrees, believing that the person who killed her was someone the woman knew.

The case moves in Poppy's direction when a neighbor mentions that a man came to the murdered woman's door in the eleventh hour a few nights a week and the night in question.

Poppy and Alex investigate further when she thinks it's one person and Alex has his doubts. Unfortunately, the killer is closer than they think when a deadly event happens to them.

This novel is personality-driven with Poppy, the narrator. A little too detailed for me, but it works with uncomplicated writing.

Poppy will get better at investigating in the series, and I will most likely read another in it. Good Read first in a mystery series.



Saturday, November 20, 2021





Review by Author Roy Murry


A fast-paced thriller you should read if you dare to. A marriage is broken by circumstance - money, and personality.

The couple goes on a trip and rents a house. A villager tells the man, "Things are not right with that house."

He laughs inside and returns to the house to cook a great meal for his ungrateful wife, sightseeing. Then, finally, the clock comes alive and psychologically takes over the man.

The slow pace to the end is a killer.

This snippet of Ken Fry's writing will entice the reader to buy one of his novels. It has for me.



Ken Fry:


Friday, November 19, 2021

Review of Shadow Play


Book 1 The Fea Games Series

An Urban Romance




Review by Author Roy Murry


With a B.S in Art, Rebecca is at a dead-end job in New City, living with her best friend, Ashely. All changes when her dream job opens up at the Ulster Museum in Belfast, Ireland. They travel to Ireland to check it out.

Rebecca's life unravels into something she could not phantom from day one to end this Feary journey. A necklace around her neck, which she never takes off, is the key to her dilemmas - she is a Fea?

In this journey, characters define the happenings of a world within a world. Two Fea men are trying to screw her mind and body.

To call this an Urban Romance is a misnomer. There is no romance in this novel. However, there is an image of it from Becca.

Ms. Ramsower's writing is fun to read because of its imaginary factor. If you as a reader enjoy fantasy, I recommend the series.

However, fantasy is not my cup of tea.



Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Dying Citizen






Review by Author Roy Murry


THE DYING CITIZEN is the third book (Check the book list of Blog) that I have read by Mr. Hanson because I enjoy expanding my intellect as limited as it is. You should also if you care about the USA and by participating as a citizen.

Victor Davis' development of a historic citizen, leading to what a USA citizen presently is, brings up questions the reader will mull over in his mind. His composition flows through six chapters of detailed information many have forgotten but will recognize.

From peasant citizen to bureaucrat of Roman to the USA's present situation of government leaders wanting us to be part of a Globalist society, this book leaves the reader in a dilemma - figuratively revolute or not. Use every means possible to engage with our Washington politicians.

Mr. Hanson's explanations define clearly with observational writing as to where the present USA citizen is today. You do not have to be a Ph.D. in history or psychology to understand where he stands as a citizen.

The reader will need to decide if you are A DYING CITIZEN and want to do something about it.




Friday, October 29, 2021

Reiview of THE AURA






Review by Author Roy Murry


I rate this paranormal mystery at the top half of my read ratings as far as mysteries go. The read has some good elements, mainly Kate, but falls short on the suspense side.

Kate's reading of auras is the central item driving the story based in England. However, I did not get the 'English Feel' in this story that I have felt in other novels backgrounded there.

The book is the first in a series and gives the reader a reason to move on to book two. Kate is developing her abilities in understanding her auras and could lead to interesting situations.

Lastly, the storyline was different, making it somewhat enjoyable, so that I may go on and read another in this eight-book series. You should read one of Carrie's books during a vacation.




Thursday, October 21, 2021

Let Me Be the One

Let Me Be the One




Review by Author Roy Murry


Tom and Darcy go on a rollercoaster romance ride during their college years. If you've been to college, you understand it's where one makes essential life decisions.

The peaks and troughs are many on this ride because each leads the main character off the rails. But, unfortunately, each makes the wrong evaluation about the other's standing. 

The last one includes a life-changing for all the families involved. The conclusion is not what one would expect in a romance novel, but the reader will like it.

Ms. Foster seems to be writing from experience. If not, the development of the story and characters are well-produced. The prose is enjoyable but lacking in the tear factor.



Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Great Reset


How Big Tech Elites and the World's People can be enslaved by China CCP or A.I.

CYRUS A. PARSA, The A.I. Organization

Review by Author Roy Murry


The title is a mouth full as well as the Parsa's content of multiple RESETS. So, I'll give you a few: Ethical, Bio-Digital, and Grid Infrastructure.

Mr. Parsa starts with A.I. definitions. I didn't know there was more than one. The reader might agree.

It's scary to think A.I. technology and advancements are available to nefarious people as the CCP. However, western civilization must meet the challenge.

The summary presented will pique the reader's attention, hopefully motivating government leaders into action. If we don't, the CCP will take over most of the world, leading to a stand-off.

Mr. Parsa's book is a well-written description of what humanity has to look forward to enjoying. I am sarcastic, but this is mind-blowing stuff.

According to the author, if only part of the RESETS happens, humanity is heading into a tailspin. If you didn't know, Cyrus A. Parsa predicted the COVID 19 scenario in another book.

Must Read for the Inquisitive Mind.


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Review of How to Fake an Irish Wake

How to Fake an Irish Wake


Eliza Watson


Review by Author Roy Murry


Mags and Biddy solve a genealogy mystery by accident. Mags' grandmother, a genealogist, died in Ireland, and she is there directing her wake, giving the reader insight into Irish mores - charming.

In the course of things, Finn arrives in town looking for his father, whom he has never met. Unfortunately, Mags doesn't know who her father is either.

This adventure is book one in a series, so it's a setup. First, Finn shows a snap (photo) to everyone around town, which lands him in the hospital. Next, Mags, who just met Finn, gets involved in investigating his mishap and genealogy.

She brings Biddy, her life's friend, into a hilarious adventure that leads to another wake. Those encounters lead to a sobering ending the reader will enjoy.

The writing and characters are endearing, capturing the readers' attention and wanting to buy the series. I know I will buy another in the series.




Saturday, October 2, 2021



The Scent of Violets:

a passionate and sensual erotic journey




Review by Author Roy


The title tells it all. Linda and Graham, a married couple of seven years, decide to break the sexual norms of a monogamous relationship.

Their sexual living style is healthy, but something is missing. Linda brings up the question of if Graham would enjoy seeing her have uncontrollable sex with another man.

The answer is yes, a man is hired, and the uncontrollable sex journey they both enjoy leads to twosomes, threesomes, and foursomes having a tumultuous and emotional time. If the reader has a vivid sexual imagination, Ms. Kemp's descriptions will expand it to another level. Unless…

The writing is crisp, sometimes over the top, and enjoyable in sexual episode reading.


Thursday, September 23, 2021





Carol Marrs Phipps and Tom Phipps


Review by Author Roy Murry


Firstly, my friends, the reader must read the glossary to get a rhythm of Trollish language. Otherwise, you may be irritated by what many Trolls are saying.

Then delve into this fast pace fantasy of two imaginary being types. The Elves are compassionate, intelligent beings, and the Trolls, are brutish war-loving individuals who enjoy eating elves.

The appearance of being true or accurate of these beings comes through in Phipps' writing. The reader will laugh at the antics of the Trolls and will feel the trauma of the Elves.

Elf Killers is a multi-level composition of good versus evil—unfortunately, that theme has been used to death in novels. However, Carol and Tom Phipps' twist engages the reader's curiosity, leaving them wanting more.

That is why I have read three of their novels.



Thursday, September 16, 2021



Chronicles of the Maca - Book 1



Review by Author Roy Murry


ALIEN meets Cowboy in the 1850s; what could go wrong. Mac, the alien's new name, intermingles with Texians.

He and his partner go from rags to riches buying land near Mac's spaceship that he wants to operate but needs an education on earth to do so. This endeavor leads our man from another world through conflicts of the wild west and the USA Civil War.

Because of his alien being, Mac is different than most men and has secrets that he only allows his loved ones to know about - his spaceship and its contents. Finally, after a long relationship, his partner and his wife are allowed entry.

The three survive many traumas leading to other conflicts that lead the reader into Book 2 of this chronicle. Many questions Mac and his earthly friends are left open.

I didn't think I would like this novel, but it was so well-written I overlooked the fictional theme. I read little of the Cowboy or Sci-Fi genres. However, Ms. Collier’s writing may have convinced me to read more of them.




Thursday, September 9, 2021







Review by Author Roy Murry


'When you allow unvetted mass immigration into your country, the world's problems become your problems.' is my takeaway from this well-researched book on how the globalist in Berlin and Brussels (EU) destroyed nation-states in western Europe.  England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden are the center countries of Murray’s arguments that have collapsed in identity, socially, demographically, and economically.

For me, this is an indictment of failed politicians (Globalists) who feel they know best for other countries. They do not consider the clashes of cultures, Islam vs. Christianity psychologically. The integration of humanity will take of that.

Mr. Murray makes excellent points on what I just mentioned and more, leaving the reader with PERHAPS... Maybe profoundly ingrained beliefs, over centuries, will change.

The arguments, pros, and cons about religion, mass migration, refugees, and national pride are profound. So, as I, the reader, will stop, take notes, think, and want to know where the world is heading.

Born in the USA, I am concerned with its new unvetted mass migration and refugees from Afghanistan arriving daily. If you are also, you should read this book.



Monday, August 30, 2021



The Hunt for (Jack) Reacher Series, Bk 1




Review by Author Roy Murry


It seems to me; Diane Capri does not know jack.  However, the book is a thriller with a new character FBI Agent Kim Otto.

Kim and her partner, veteran agent Carlos Gaspar, are sent on a high-level "Wild Goose Chase," instructed by the Director, whose name we don't know until the end.  For me, the story stands on its own, leaving out the search for Jack. 

Kim, following her instincts, does unravel an international plot. The tensions rise and fall for her and her partner, leading to an unpredictable deadly ending.

The thrilling points and the characters are the main reasons to read this series. Checking your BPM is needed when reading this novel.

DON'T KNOW JACK is a bit of a con; however, the story was full of cues that will lead the reader to the next novel in the series. If you like thrillers with no end, this is for you.


Monday, August 23, 2021




A Tara Mills Mystery - Book One




Review by Author Roy Murry


Tara Mills has a six-sense for a newbie agent of the FBI. However, her partner is a veteran who is going to teach her the ropes.

As all people learning a job, if they're enthusiastic, mistakes are made. Her partner understands this when Tara makes them.

However, she rises to the occasion when all conclude that the case is over, including the big boss. Tara falls into a legal quagmire but proceeds, leading to a suspenseful deadly situation.

In that entanglement, lessons learned by her and her veteran will have the reader wanting more.

Therefore, I recommend the three-book series because the characters, writing, and drama are entirely satisfying.




Saturday, August 21, 2021

Review of LUCK BET





Review by Author Roy Murry

'Lucky Bet' was a fun book but not likely to happen in the 1790s. Because Lady Elizabeth, Bet, tricks elderly English men into believing she is a man. 

The events of her manhood come after she, with the help of a male friend, escapes her nefarious ward, who tries to marry her off for monetary gain. Instead, she runs to an uncle she has never seen in London.

With her uncle and friend's approval, Bet's adventure is sometimes comical and becomes deadly when she, as a man, tries to help a married woman in distress. The story leads to an explosive ending where the saga continues.

Ms. Reader's writing is crisp and weaves an intriguing and secondary romance story. Reading the second book in the saga is on my list.

I recommend that you buy both books and read the whole story at once.


Saturday, August 14, 2021

Review of ALL OF ME


The Bridesmaid Club


Review by Author Roy Murry


Tess, an ex-model, owns a small-town cafe after a traumatic event that still possesses her. Logan, a veteran war reporter, moves to the town and, for a year, is smitten by her.

She does not like reporters. At this point, the educated reader knows they'll get together. Each has its horror stories that collide in the relationship that lead to confrontations.

Romance lovers will love the characters, but the storyline has too many backstory gaps, which they will overlook. However, these genre lovers will enjoy the tit for tat of Tess and Logan's relationship and forgive the holes in the story.

Because ALL OF ME is well-written with interesting characters, I recommend it to all Romance Lovers, using Kindle, to read the series. All others beware.




Saturday, August 7, 2021



Lives and Maxims of Some 

of History's Wisest People




Review by Author Roy Murry


SAGE ADVICE is a collection of thoughts for the INQUISITIVE MIND. These thoughts or maxims make your mind go into a tailspin.

From Ptah-Hotep of Egypt to Gandhi, eighteen of Borden's wisest people’s short biographies and advice in thoughtful phrases are well organized. Fortunately, the book layout divides the bio from the maxims giving the reader the luxury of not being confused or trying to know who said what.

With each biography, the reader will see the evolution in thoughts over the thousands of human existences. The maxims, if read slowly, quietly, and separately, will lead the reader to self-evaluation – always a good thing.

You don't need to be a philosophy or a psychologist to read SAGE ADVISE. However, you should be a thoughtful person with an Inquisitive Mind a la Murry's Readers Are Leaders.

A well-written collection.



Saturday, July 31, 2021

Review of TAPAS

Tapas, Carrot Cake, and A Corpse

A Charlotte Denver Cozy Mystery, Bk 1



Review by Author Roy Murry


TAPAS is the first cozy mystery series where Charlotte lives, and she owns a restaurant in a small oceanside town. A dead body lies on a luxury yacht docked not far from her eatery, where the locals and tourists gather.

Not only is Charlotte an excellent chef, she understands people.  Without trying, she is sleuthing by observation.

The owners of the yacht are suspects of Charlotte's detective friend but have alibis. So how did the death happen?

The information gathered by Charlotte daily leads to an exciting ending on the restaurant's patio at a celebration. The locals, the detective, the tourist, and the reader get a surprise that only is found in a cozy mystery.

Well written and enjoyable. Get a Cozy Mystery Novel which is always pleasant reads.  



Sunday, July 25, 2021

Review of PURE


Pure Series: Book 1




Review by Author Roy Murry


Mysterious unnatural events control this dramatic novel. Katie, a young USA high school girl, describes her daily life, which turns disastrous, leading her guardian grandmother to decide to return to Katie's birth country immediately - Russia.

But, the suspense does not stop there. Katie's nemesis follows her back to Kyiv. But, she is the Pure one, and it is not.

She has William, her savior, with who she has a teen crush. He has been in the background helping Katie with her conflicts back at high school. But what is he?

The story ends with a clash of good against evil in the castle near the PURE WOODS. Dramatic but predictable.

Ms. Mesick's writing is 'straightforward and fast pace' at times. However, the lulls in the story outweighed them.

But, because of the exciting storyline, which includes vampires and a first love encounter by Katie, I believe it is an excellent Young-Adult series. I recommend the series as so.

Buy the Series and enjoy it, Young Adult.



Sunday, July 18, 2021

Review of The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind

The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind



Review by Author Roy Murry


I started reading this book in 2008 and pick it up every day to remind me that life goes on and I can change how I see it. Murphy's book did change my life; I will not go into details of how.

But this book, combined with ‘How to Be Idle,’ can do that for you.

See review:

It would take all day for me to explain what I mean. YOU NEED TO READ THESE BOOKS.

Murphy goes into detail on how our human minds work and how we use them. What we read, think, and profess goes into our subconscious mind and stays there.

You can change what goes in your mind by following proven methods given within. Do it today before it’s too late.

A computer maximum is "Garbage in; Garbage Out," and according to this book, the same is for your subconscious mind. So, therefore, I agree with Joseph Murphy 100%.

That is why I recommend this brilliant book.



Thursday, July 15, 2021






Review by Author Roy Murry


Because of his family situation and his lack of due diligence, Harry Hunter is the bodyguard of a possible target after the murder of several girls. His unorthodox investigation from an out-side-the box position is not believable.

 Although 'Girls' is well written and starts with an exciting plot, this mystery storyline did not keep me engaged. Also, the ending is not believable and did not entice me to read the second book in the series.

This novel is my second by Willow Rose, and I will most likely read another. but not in this series.   


Purchase her books: